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IN THE PLANNIlVG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON <br />COUNT7C OF AIAMEI)A, STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />Minutes <br />Meeting of July 31, 1958 <br />The meeting was called to order at City Hall on July 31, 1958, Chairman Wetherby <br />presiding. <br />Roll Call: Present - Commissioners DeVor, Lozano, Trowbridge and Wharton <br />Absent -Commissioners Hanifen and Mitchell. <br />The application of Alan Henry for a Conditional Zoning Permit to construct a five- <br />unit apartment at 1+06 Second Street was considered. Mr. Alan Henry presented his <br />proposal and plans. On motion of Commissioner Wharton, seconded by Commissioner <br />Lozano and approved by all Commissioners present, Resolution No. 33 was adopted <br />granting the Conditional Zoning Permit stating that no public hearing is deemed <br />necessary, all applicable sections of Ordinance No. 21+6 are met and building must <br />meet a71 conditions of the building code. <br />'fhe application of Jackson & Perkins Company cif California for a Conditional Zoning <br />Permit to remodel an existing building at 320 Main Street for use as an office building <br />for retail and wholesale sales was considered. Mr. Neil Moore presented the sketch <br />and proposal. On motion of Commissioner Trowbridge, seconded by Cormaissioner DeVor <br />and approved by all Commissioners present, Resolution No. 34 was adopted granting <br />the Conditional Zoning Permit stating that. no public hearing is deemed necessary <br />and all applicable sections of Ordinance No. 246 are met. <br />The application of M.G.C. Company for a six-months extension of time for Conditional <br />Zoning Permit issued under Resolution No. 21 for Tract 1832 was considered. On motion <br />of Commissioner Wharton, seconded by Commissioner Trowbridge and approved by all Com- <br />missioners present, an extension of time for Resolution No. 21 was granted until <br />November 13, 1958.-.hq,::~ Resolution No. 35• <br />The application of Betty Evans for a Conditional Zoning. Permit ~ to operate a palm <br />reading business at 612 Main Street was considered. Mr. Frank Manning represented <br />the applicant and presented her proposal. He stated there would be no remodeling of <br />the building. Commissioner Trowbridge suggested that the Chamber of Commerce, among <br />other interested parties, have an opportunity to review this application as it was <br />added to the agenda after the Chamber's regular meeting. ~!A motion wss:made:;by~Commissioner <br />Wharton, seconded by Commissioner Wetherby, to grants the Conditional Zoning Permit <br />his dis~isnia:'kpe~F,~Gg:;wi#hrSection 2.22 of Ordinance No. 246 and that no public hearing <br />is necessary. A motion to table this motion, which motion taks3precedent, was moved <br />by Commissioner Trowbridge, seconded by Commissioner DeVor and approved by the <br />following vote: AYES: Commissioners DeVor, Lozano, and Trowbridge. NOES: Commis- <br />sioners Wharton and Wetherby. On motion of Commissioner Trowbridge, seconded by <br />Commissioner DeVor, a public hearing was set for August 14, 1958 on the application <br />of Betty Evans for a Conditional Zoning Permit. Voting was as follows: AYES: <br />Commissioners DeVor, Lozano, Trowbridge and Wetherby. NOES: Commissioner Wharton. <br />A request from Charles Fiorio for an amendment to Resolution No. 28, which granted <br />a variances to construct a carport on the northeast corner of a lot at 54 Rose Avenue <br />one foot from the property line, was considered. Mr. Fiorio requested that the variance <br />be granted for the northwest corner of the lot.~On motion of Commissioner Wharton, <br />seconded by Commission Wetherby, and approved by all Commissioners present, Resolution <br />No. 36 was adopted,~amending the conditions of Resolution No. 28 to read: <br />1) That the north and west walls be of one-hour fire resistant construction. <br />2) That the roof overhang on the north and west sides is not to eX~ead more than <br />six inches beyond the building line. <br />3) That no run-off be allowed onto neighbors property. <br />As there was no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was <br />adjourned at 10:15 P.M, to meet again on August 7, 1958, 8:00 P.M. <br />~ On motion of Commissioner Trowbridge, seconded by Commis er DeVor, the nutes of <br />the meeting of July 17, 1958 were approved as corrected. C..4./17- <br />Correction 1 - and asked for a ruling on procedure. ~ cretary <br />2 - finding no proceedings necessary and,.:. - Corrected August 7, 1958 <br />