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5. Stseat Liahtiat and Slectrie Power Suovly <br />The electrical system shall be "modified underground" as shows on the at- <br />tached sketeh~ with street lighting meeting the Illuminating 8ngineer'e <br />Society epecificationj.• 20,000 lumen msrourp vapor lights shall be installed <br />on Yleaeeaton-Sono! Road for ~ the roadway lighting plw additional safety <br />lighting at the interaectioaa, if required. <br />6. S~eciai Intersections <br />The lntersactioae of Nillview Ave.,, Mission Drive and Sonoma SCrast with <br />Pleasaaeon-Sunni Road shall be properly channelised and shall have traffic <br />islands installed for future traffic signal installation. <br />7. Lot Dimensions <br />The lots on the north side of Mission Drive with excessive depth will re- <br />quire a modification as provided by Article 9 of Ordinance No. 358. <br />8. Fis~NTdFante <br />a. Locate ae shown on Exhibit "A". <br />b. Type - Greenberg No. 76 in RG-L5, I-P, RG-25 and C-N zones. <br />c. Type - Greenberg No. 75 and No. 74 in R-1 and R.2 zones. <br />9. Water Die sibutioa Svatem <br />Calculations to be submitted as required by Section 6.03(c) o£ Ord. No. 358 <br />either with final plans or with tentative. Fiaai approval of Water Distri- <br />bution System to be made bq City Snginner after receipt of said calculations. <br />10. Sanitary Sewer System <br />Calculations to bn submitted as required by Section 6.03(c) of Osd. No. 358 <br />either with Final plane or with tentative. Final approval of sanitary Sawar <br />System to be made by City Engineer after receipt of said calculationo. <br />11. Prooerty Line Radius for Cui-de-sacs <br />Radius on Col-de-sacs may be reduced where Type "B" straeC eacCioae are used <br />so that property line on col-de-sac w1I1 be at back of sidewalk, with 8' <br />public service easement. This will require a modification ae provided by <br />Article 9 of Ord. No. 358. <br />12. Storm Drainage <br />` It is recommended thaC a condition of approval be executed by the developer <br />of a Mutunl Benefit District Agreement with the City for reimbursement to <br />the developer on a proportionate use basis of the coat of the main storm <br />drain line carrying runoff from the areas upstream from ehie development. <br />Developer to provide the neceeearq data. <br />3. <br />