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April 30, 1963 <br />T03 PLANLIiNG CO!lIISSION <br />FROM: CITY ENG'iN88R <br />SUBJECT: Report on Tsatative Map for Tract 2473 (Mission Pask), ae required bq <br />Section 4.03, Ordinance tto. 348. <br />Reports from all City Dsparttneate and interested outside agencies have bean xa- <br />ceived sad correlated. Comments from these reports, when applicable, have been <br />incorporated. It is recommended that the tentative map for Tract 2473 ba approved <br />as annotated (Exhibit "A") and with the following requirements and awdifications: <br />i. Street Classifieatioaes (* indicates change frcm desigaatioa submleted on <br />map) <br />YFa~ <br />b. <br />C• <br />d. <br />e. <br />f. <br />g• <br />h. <br />i. <br />3• <br />k. <br />1. <br />m. <br />n. <br />*o. <br />P• <br />q. <br />r. <br />*s. <br />Me~ox thoroughfare with frontage road, Type B, <br />~eresaed to provide 33 feet between_surbs Yor <br />frontage shown on Tentacsve trap. <br />Pleasaaton•S~nol Road • Mayor thoroughfare -Fos <br />Mission Drive • Plsaeanton•Sutwl Road to Dolores <br />fare. <br />frontage shown on map. <br />Secondary Thorough• <br />• Dolorsa to 8oaoma • R~idetttiel Collector, Type A. <br />• Sonoma to Capistrano • Minor Residential. <br />• Mission to tract boundary • Resideatial,Collector <br />• Minor Residential, Type B, <br />~yg • Minor Residential, Type B. <br />• Seco~asy Thoroughfare. <br />peat - Residential Collector, Type A. <br />Type B <br />$o~ t eet - Pieasanton•Sunol Road to San Carlos Way - indweriai <br />or Conmercial Service Seraet. <br />SoncKa Street • San Carlos to Mission • Residential Collector, Type 8. <br />Saa n~ot,£o Drive Residential Collector, Typ. 8. <br />San Jose Drive • Minor Residential, Type B. <br />San M1aue1 Court • Cul•da-sac, under 300 long, Type B. <br />Saa~e1 Court • Minor Residential, Type B. <br />Saa J~biran rive • Minor Residential, Type 8. <br />Sari Luis Court • Minor Residential, Type B. <br />Bat: Casloa N~7t • Residential Collector, Type A.. <br />2. Street N,~a n¢~ <br />a. Pleasanton Boulevard is not recotmtsndad unlwe the existing name of <br />Pleasanton Avatwe in the City is also changed. There is too great a <br />chance of error by the Post Office or in calling for emergency Police <br />or Fire service. Suno1 Boulevard is suggested as having aoa:e directions: <br />significance. Whatever nano is chosen, it most be formalised by ordin- <br />aace and should be done prior to submdsaion of the final map. The City <br />8ngineer'e office is preparing s report to the City Council recommsading <br />certain other street name changes. The name change on Plseeaaton.Sunol <br />Road fronting this Tract could be~included in this report. <br />