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M I N U T E S <br />of <br />THE MEETING <br />of <br />THE PLANNING COMNIISSION <br />Pleasanton, California <br />October 9, 1963 <br />The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at <br />8:00 P.M. on 1.lednesday, October 9, 1963, by Vice-Chairman Frank Lozano. <br />ROLL CALL showed the following: <br />Present: Commi.saionere Antonini <br />Lozano <br />Rega <br />413pf1i <br />Secretary Fales <br />Absent: Chairman Landon <br />On motion of Commissioner Rega, aecoaded by Commissioner Wipfli, the minutes of <br />the meeting of September 25, 1463, were approved as presented by unanimous vote of <br />those Commissioners present. <br />Vice-Chairman Lozano proceeded to the public hearing on the application of Walter <br />Lund, 636 Donita Avenue, Pleasanton, for an amendment to Ordinance No. 309 rezoning <br />Lot 42, Tract No. 2547, Vineyard Avenue, as indicated on the Tentative Subdivision <br />Map, from R-1 to RG-25. Mx. Ted Fairfield, of Mackay & Sompa, Civil Engineers, was <br />present in the audience representing Mr, Lund, He stated the proposal involves <br />construction of some 42 structures on a LO-acre area south of Vineyard Avenue, east <br />of Adams Court. Forty-one units are planned as single-family residential, and one <br />unit is planned as a four-pier. The subject request is for rezoning of Lot No. 42 <br />fran R-1 to RG-25. Since there are multiple dwellings on Vineyard Avenue, the <br />transition from multiple dwellings to R-1 by an in-between type structure, namely <br />a four-plea, is justified. The proposed RG-25 four-pier would be facing Mavis Drive <br />and aiding on Vineyard Avenue. Mr. Fales, in giving the staff report, stated there <br />must be some delineation between a full-fledged RG-25 area and the adjacent R-1 <br />area. The subject lot would be the moat likely transitional lot possible between <br />RG-25 and R-1. It is the opinion of the staff that under these circumstances, <br />subject to recording of the final map, it would be beneficial to have the lot under <br />consideration rezoned as RG-25 as a transition between RG-25 and R-1. There were <br />no comments from the audience, and Vice-Chairman Lozano declared the public hearing <br />closed. Upon motion by Commissioner Rega, seconded by Co~nieaioner Antonini, the <br />following resolution was unanimously adopted by those Commi.asionera present: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 24G <br />WHEREAS, the application of Walter Lund, 636 Bonita Avenue, Pleasanton, <br />for an amendment to Ordinance No. 309 rezoning Lot 42, Tract <br />No. 2547, Vineyard Avenue, ae indicated on the Tentative Subdivision <br />T~Iap, from R-1 to RG-25, has come before this Co~iasion; and <br />47'ETEREAS, this Commission does find that: <br />1. Notice has been given as required by Section 22.104 of <br />Ordinance No. 309; <br />2. The proposed amendment conforms suith the Pleasanton <br />General Plan; and <br />3. The public necessity and general caelfare requires the <br />proposed change of district; <br />;YOW, THEREFORE, DE IT <br />32ESOLVED, that the Planning Commission does hereby recommend for approval <br />by the City Council the application of Walter Lund for se- <br />.zoning of the subject property as described above, subject to recording <br />of the Final Map. <br />