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RL+SOLUT.I('TT N0. 3.32 <br />._._ d„~_e._._r. <br />WHEREAS, the application of J. J. Bras, 4377 First Street, for a Zoning <br />Permit with Site Plan and Architectural Approval aad Landscape <br />Approval, in order to construct an addition to an existing building <br />(Pleasanton Times Building) at 129 Spring Street, in a C-G District; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT <br />RESOLVED, that the above named Zoning Permit be granted with tha following <br />conditions: <br />1. Nine off-street parking spaces; and parking area to be <br />paved to City Standards. <br />2. Architecture to conform to existing building. <br />3. Drainage to be to satisfaction of the City Engineer. <br />4. Driveway ie adequate for present use. <br />Mr. Campbell read a letter from Mr. John Reilly pertaining to putting a car wash <br />at 428 Main 5tre~t. Mr. Campbell was instructed to inform Mr. Reilly that a <br />car wash can be considered a legally petmitted use under tha Zoning Ordinance <br />but tha Commission is not in favor of this usa at thin location. <br />Mr. Campbell read a letter from the County Planning Commission to City of <br />Pleasanton Planning Commission asking their opinion of parking a trailer on lot <br />together with two residences in an A-2 Zone on the Lee Luce property at 1605 Rose <br />Avenue. Commission instructed Mr. Campbell to reply that the Commission recommends <br />a five year time limit and that water and sewer facilities shall be provided. <br />Mr. Ted Fairfield of MacRay and Sompa asked whether another public hearing would <br />be required on the Rose Ranch maps. It was determined by the City Attorney that <br />no further public hearing would be required. <br />There being no further business to coma before the Commission, upon motion of <br />Commissioner Antonini, seconded by Commissioner Lozano, and carried, the meeting <br />was adjourned at 9:20 P.M., to meet again on Wednesday, August 12, 1964, at <br />8:00 P.M. <br /> <br />