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R~= OT,UTIOti fi0, 339 <br />WHEREAS, the application of Pleasanton Investors, 582 Market Street, <br />San Francisco, for an amendment to Ordinance No. 309 rezoning <br />the area of proposed Tract No, 2639, approximately 332 scree located east <br />of Santa Rita Road and south of U.S, Highway 50, from the A District to <br />the R-1, RG-15, RG-25, C-C and C-T Districts as a Planned Unit Development, <br />has come before this Commission; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT <br />RESOLVED, that Ordinance No. 309 be amended in order to rezone approximately <br />68 acres located immediately south of U.S. Highway 50 and im- <br />mediately west of the Santa Rita Road realignment, from A to C-C. The remain- <br />ing area within Tract No. 2639 shall be continued ae RZ64-10, until a Tenta- <br />tive Subdivision Map for Tract No. 2639 ie reviewed and approved. <br />The next item on the agenda was a referral from Alameda County re: Tentative Map, <br />Tract No. 2668, Volk-McLain Communities, Inc., 58-lot industrial subdivision. Mr. <br />Falea and Chairman Landon shared the following comments. It was determined to <br />recommend to the Alameda County Planning Commission that they withhold approval of <br />the Tentative Map for Tract No. 2668. This is not an adequate map nor an adequate <br />subdivision. There is an overpass proposed in this area and it is not shown on <br />the Tentative Map. It is felt that Volk-McLain desires to increase the value of <br />the land by submitting the Tentative Map now; therefore, it would coat the State <br />more money to purchase the land necessary for the freeway. <br />The next item on the agenda was a referral from Alameda County re: Application of <br />Volk-McLain for rezoning of 308 acres south of U.S. Highway 50 and west of Hopyard <br />Road from M-1 to C-N, C-0, R-1, and R-S-D-3. It was pointed out that if this were <br />rezoned there would be a residential area created adjacent to two sewage treatment <br />plants, Also, the proposed lot size is too small; high density subdivision should <br />be kept north of U.S. Highway 50; there is not enough planning to be able to deter- <br />mine what will be adjacent to the industrial area; there is a need fora more <br />detailed area plan to grant rezoning; we need further I-P areas and I-P would be a <br />good buffer; the area ie more suited for Industrial Development, but the 58-lot <br />Industrial Development ie "poorly designed". In view of former encounters with <br />Volk-McLain, it is felt that Volk-McLain should adhere to the present General Plan. <br />A letter from the School District indicates that they oppose the rezoning of 308 <br />acres of Volk-McLain land from industrial to residential. The School District <br />feels a need for a balanced community with sufficient wealth to provide needed <br />public services without an excessive local tax effort. Also, explosive population <br />growth of a high density nature without concurrent industrial development can have <br />a disastrous effect on the quality of education provided children. After discus- <br />sion, upon motion of Comffisaioner Antonini, seconded by Commissioner Lozano, the <br />following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 340 <br />WHEREAS, the referral from Alameda County Re: Tentative Map, Tract No. <br />2668, Volk-McLain Communities, Inc., 58-lot industrial subdivision, <br />and request of Volk-McLain Communities, Inc. for rezoning of approximately <br />300 scree located south of U.S. Highway 50 and west of Hopyard Road from <br />M-1 to C-N, C-0, R-1 and R-S-D-3 hen come before this Commission; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT <br />RESOLVED, that a recommendation containing all atateaente of Mr. Falea and <br />Chairman Landon be aubffitted to the Citq Council for their review <br />and action. <br />Mr. Pelee read a draft of a letter to the State Office of Local Assistance approving <br />the five school sites for the School District. After discussion, upon motion of <br />Chairman Landon, seconded by Commissioner Rega, the following resolution was adopted <br />by unanimous vote of those Commissioners present: <br />