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M I N U T E S <br />of <br />T'dE MEET_'NG <br />of <br />THE PLANNING COMMISSION <br />Plcasan-_un, California <br />March 24, 1965 <br />The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commisslon was called to order at <br />8:00 P.M., on Wednesday, March 24, 1965, by Chairman Landon. <br />ROLL CALL showed the following: <br />Present: Comtoissionera Antonini <br />Johnston <br />Lozano <br />Rega <br />Chairman Landon <br />Secretary Fales <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Lozano, seconded by Commissioner Antonini, the minutes <br />of the meeting of March 10, 1965, were approved as presented by unanimous vote. <br />Chairman Landon opened the public hearing on the application of Robert Haehagen, <br />Sunset Aluminum Products, 2172 Railroad Ave., Livermore, fora Variance from <br />Section 6.500, Ord. No. 309, in order to allow construction of a covered patio <br />within the rear yard setback at 4139 Alvarado St., in as R-1 District. Mr. Falea, <br />!a presenting the staff report, stated that the applicant proposes a distance of <br />15 feet from the covered attached patio to the rear lot line, whereas a rear yard of <br />20 feet is required. If the patio were detached, the Zoning Ordinance would require <br />it to be separated from the main building by 10 feet, and then it could be located <br />as close as 5 ft. to the property lino, and no variance would then be required. The <br />staff recommends granting of the subject Variance. Mr. Haehegen was present in the <br />audience and spoke on behalf of the application. There being no further comments <br />from the audience, it was moved by Commi.seioner Antonini, seconded by Coami.seioner <br />Lozano, and carried, that the public hearing be closed. After discussion by the <br />Commission, upon motion of Commissioner Johnston, seconded by Commissioner Rega, <br />the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 407 <br />WHEREAS, the application of Robert Aashagen, Sunset Aluminum Products, <br />2172 Railroad Ave., Livermore, for a Variance from Section <br />6.500, Ord. No. 309, in order to allow construction of a covered patio <br />within the rear yard setback at 4139 Alvarado St., in an R-1 Dlatrict, <br />has come before this Commission; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT <br />RESOLVED, that the above-named Variance is hereby granted. <br />Chairman Landon then opened the public hearing on the application of Robert Haehagen, <br />Sunset Aluminum Products, 2172 Railroad Ave., for a Variance from Section 6.500, <br />Ord. No. 309, in order to allow construction of a covered patio within the rear yard <br />setback at 4127 Alvarado St., in an R-1 District. Mr. Fales said that the staff <br />recommends granting of the subject Variance, as this proposal ie identical to that <br />at 4139 Alvarado St. above. There being no comments frow the audience, it was moved <br />by Commissioner Antonini, seconded by Commissioner Lozano, and carried, that the <br />public hearing be closed. Upon motion of Commissioner Johnston, seconded by Com- <br />missioner Rega, the following resolution .sae adopted by unanimous vote: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 408 <br />WHEREAS, the application of Robert Haehagen, Sunset Aluminum Products, <br />2172 Railroad Ave., Livermore, fox a Variance from Section <br />6.500, Ord. No. 309, in order to allow construction of a covered patio <br />within the rear yard setback at 4127 Alvarado St., in an R-1 District, <br />hoe come before Chia Commission; <br />NOW, THEREPORE, BE IT <br />RESOLVED, that the above-named Variance ie hereby granted. <br />