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Page 5 <br />9. That electric power distribution and communication <br />service systems be placed totally underground except <br />for pad-mounted tranaforcers and above-ground splic- <br />ing cabinets where necessary. <br />10. 14tat approval of the water supply and distributibn <br />system be withheld until the developer has demonstrated <br />to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that the pro- <br />posed system meets both the immediate and long range <br />requirements for supplying water fn this area. <br />11. That approval of the sanitary sewer system be withheld <br />until the developer has demonstrated to the satisfac- <br />tion of the City Engineer that the proposed system is <br />adequate for the service area and generally meets the <br />immediate and long range requirements of the sanitary <br />sewer system in this and all tributary areas. <br />12. That approval of the storm drainage system be withheld <br />until final design calculations have been made and the <br />developer has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the <br />City Engineer that the system fully meets the require- <br />ments of this development and all upstream areas <br />intended to be drained through this tract, and that <br />the requirements of Alameda County Flood Control Dis- <br />trict have been met. <br />13. That the developer acquire any required additional <br />right-oE-way for the G-3 line. <br />14. That the channel along Route 50 between Tassajara <br />Road and G-3 line be accepted for City maintenance <br />subject to approval of final design including land- <br />scaping, fencing and maintenance access. <br />15. That the developer be advised of additional right-of- <br />way requirements for G-3 line through the tract or the <br />alternative of closed conduit that will fit in the <br />proposed right-of-way. <br />16. That the right-of-way width of West Las lbsitas be held <br />at a constant 98 feet across the entire tract. <br />17. That the radius of the corners at the tueccooorie.i,n of <br />Gulfatream Street and West Las Positas Blvd. and Martin <br />Avenue be increased to 40 feet. <br />18. That the right-of-way width of Gulfstream Street be <br />increased to • feet to provide for a collector street <br />section. :f~ <br />19. That the Planning Comission allow a modification of <br />Article 7.04, Ordinance No. 358, by approving the over- <br />length cul-de-sate previously discussed in this report. <br />20. That the Planning Commission allow a modification of <br />Article 7.06, Ordinance No. 358, by approving those <br />instances where opposing streets entering upon a cross <br />street are off-set leas than 300 feet. <br />21. Reserve additional lots 504 through 512 for an expanded <br />school site. <br />22. Reserve additional lots 256 through 262 for an expanded <br />school site. <br />23. The nmmes of Gulfstream and Fairlands Courts to be changed <br />to conform to the street naming policy. Gulfstream <br />Street to be changed to Gulfstream Road. <br />it was pointed out that there was no specific time limit set on the Planned Unit <br />Development for Tract 2938. It was suggested that additional mode la be handled <br />at the Subdivision Committee level. After further discussion, UPON MOTION OF <br />COMMISSIONER PLATO, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GARRIGAN, AND CARRIED, IT WAS DE- <br />TERMINED TE1AT Z-64-28, FAIRLANDS, REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO ORIGINAL APPROVAL TO <br />ALLOW VARIATION IN YARD REQUIREMENT AND SUBMISSION OF OTBER DETAILS OF APPROVAL IN <br />CONJUNCTION WITH APPROVAL OF TRACT 2938, BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO TED; FOLLOWING <br />CONDITIONS: <br />1. Exhibits <br />"A" previous exhibit approved on Nat ember 12, 1964, as modified by Exhibit <br />B and C and Exhibit A for tentative map tract 2938. <br />"B" Master Landscape Plan, except parking at tennis courts and putting green <br />and subject to approval of the Park and Recreation Commission. <br />"C" Typical Siting Plans. <br />2. The total number of dwelling unite allowed with said Planned Unit Development <br />is 1,218. <br />6-24-68 <br />