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27. That the paving sections for the on-site parking and drive <br />areas be designed on the basis of an R-Value test and a <br />traffic index to carry the anticipated traffic loads. This <br />design shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. <br />The minimum paving section shall be 2" A.C, on 6" of A.B. The <br />minimum A.C. pavement slope shall be 18. For pavement slopes <br />of less than 18 the surface runoff shall be carried in a <br />concrete gutter to an acceptable point of discharge. The <br />minimum slope for concrete gutter shall be 0.58. <br />28, That the developer install street frontage improvements per <br />ordinance and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. <br />These improvements may include, but are not necessarily <br />limited to, grading, curb and gutter, sidewalk, paving, <br />storm drain, sanitary sewer, water facilities, street <br />lighting, underground utilities, traffic control devices, <br />landscaping, and automatic irrigation systems. <br />29. That the property owner enter into an agreement with the <br />City whereby he agrees to construct or finance the construction <br />of street improvements adjacent to the site to the extent <br />required by the Subdivision Ordinance at such time in the <br />future as this is deemed necessary by the City Engineer. Said <br />improvements may include, but are not necessarily limited <br />to grading, curb and gutter, sidewalk, paving, street lighting, <br />street trees, street monuments, underground utilities, storm <br />drain facilities, sanitary sewer facilities, tree removal, <br />traffic control devices, landscaping and automatic irrigation <br />systems. This agreement shall be executed and approved by <br />the City Council prior to the issuance of a building permit. <br />The property owner/developer shall deposit a bond with the City <br />to ensure future completion of the required improvements. This <br />bond shall be in a standard form approved by the City Attorney <br />and shall be in an amount satisfactory to the City Engineer. <br />The City Engineer may accept or may require a cash payment <br />in-lieu of bonding where circumstances warrant. <br />30. That the developer submit a refundable cash bond for <br />hazard and erosion control prior to issuance of a building <br />permit. The amount of this bond will be determined by the <br />City Engineer. <br />2/1/84 <br />Rev. 10/84 <br />Rev. 5/86 <br />