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6/15/2007 2:59:53 PM
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6/15/2007 2:59:52 PM
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<br />With regard to the site Councilmember Sullivan agreed everyone close to the store would <br />love to have a Longs Drugs, a Starbucks and a Home Depot. He felt this part of the <br />Stanley Business Park should be put into the eastside study. He felt he would need more <br />information before he could support the project. California Splash did not have community <br />support and has a massive traffic problem. He felt residents have put up with a lot. He <br />said e-mails indicated 90% oppose and 10% were in favor so he felt community support <br />was needed for his support of this development. <br /> <br />Councilmember Thorne disclosed he met with Regency Center representatives and has <br />had conversations with the neighborhood. He voiced concerns about traffic on Valley <br />Avenue, emphasized that this impacted him as a private citizen, said he has been a long <br />time advocate of a complete ban on truck traffic on Valley Avenue, and unfortunately, <br />previous agreements have allowed this to happen. He hoped that when the City looks at <br />businesses that will be adjacent to Stoneridge Drive, that we do include some of the same <br />kinds of restrictions that the city has placed on this project. He felt the project has already <br />banned truck traffic on Valley Avenue by the way it has been designed and conditioned. <br />There are some issues with this, but he firmly believed that the city can deal with the truck <br />traffic and he would continue his push to do everything he can to get truck traffic totally off <br />of Valley Avenue from Sunol to Stanley. He felt there were two major objectives for the <br />community; one is traffic and making sure there is a plan that is balanced and equitably <br />distributed; and secondly the need to protect the economic stability of the community and <br />sustainability beyond build out, and he feels the project contributes to this. He felt the two <br />objectives were not mutually exclusive, felt we must accomplish both of them, must <br />provide a traffic circulation plan and economic sustainability for the community and must <br />do them in concert. He felt the project was one of the best examples he has seen on how <br />the objectives need to work together and he challenged the neighborhoods and <br />businesses to recognize that businesses in residential neighborhoods exist together. He <br />hoped that this Council or a future Council did not go through the time-consuming process <br />of developing a structure of laws that prohibits designs of truck routes and traffic on certain <br />streets and challenged businesses to voluntarily ask their vendors not to use Valley <br />Avenue. <br /> <br />Motion: It was m/s by Thorne/McGovern include additional conditions of approval as <br />Ordinance No. 1953 <br />recommended by staff, introduce and waive full reading of approving <br />Resolution No. 07-126 <br />PUD major modification, adopt approving a conditional use permit, <br />Resolution No. 07-127 <br />adopt approving design review approval to allow the construction <br />of 193,481 square feet of commercial area, including a Home Depot building supply store <br />and garden center, a Longs Drugs pharmacy with drive-through, and miscellaneous <br />neighborhood retail convenience stores including one drive-through, on an approximately <br />16-acre parcel located at 3450 Stanley Boulevard, at the Valley Avenue/Bernal <br />Avenue/Stanley Boulevard intersection, in the Stanley Business Park; and adopt <br />Resolution No. 07-128 <br /> approving a Negative Declaration for said project. <br /> <br />Mayor Hosterman said the project was nicely designed and it is a good fit in its location. <br />She felt this caliber of the project in the coming years would bring up standards of <br />architecture and design. She disclosed her discussions with Regency Centers. She asked <br />staff what sort of project the Council could allow to move forward which is a good fit for <br />that neighborhood and for that part of town which would generate the least amount of <br />traffic, understanding the fact that we cannot say no to all development on that site. She <br />said there are many things about the project she likes, acknowledged the willingness of <br /> <br />City Council Minutes 14 May 15, 2007 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
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