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ATTACHMENT E: <br />Glossary of Termsl <br />AGGREGATOR <br />An entity responsible for planning, scheduling, accounting, billing, and settlement for <br />energy deliveries from the aggregator's portfolio of sellers and/or buyers. Aggregators <br />seek to bring together customers or generators so they can buy or sell power in bulk, <br />making a profit on the transaction. <br />CONSERVATION <br />Steps taken to cause less energy to be used than would otherwise be the case. These steps <br />may involve improved efficiency, avoidance of waste, and reduced consumption. <br />COOL ROOF <br />A roof with alight-colored roof coating. Cool roofs are commonly used in climates that <br />use air conditioning because dark colors absorb heat and light colors reflect heat. Roofs <br />have intense solar heat gain (energy) because of their relatively flat exposure to the sun. <br />COOPERATIVE <br />A business entity similar to a corporation, except that ownership is vested in members <br />rather than stockholders, and benefits are typically in the form of products and services. <br />Many rural and remote areas of the country are served by electric cooperatives formed to <br />provide power to communities not served or under-served by utilities. <br />DEMAND <br />The desire to possess a commodity or make use of a service, combined with the ability to <br />purchase it. Demand is the amount of a commodity or service people are ready to buy for <br />a given price. <br />DIRECT ACCESS <br />The ability of a retail customer to purchase commodity electricity directly from the <br />wholesale market rather than through a local distribution utility. <br />DISTRIBUTED GENERATION <br />A distributed generation system involves small amounts of generation for the purpose of <br />meeting local loads and/or displacing the need to build (or upgrade) local distribution <br />lines. <br />ELECTRICITY <br />A property of the basic particles of matter. A form of energy having magnetic, radiant <br />and chemical effects. Electric current is created by a flow of charged particles <br />(electrons). <br />Page 1 <br />