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Draft 14. Subregional Planning Element <br />The City of Pleasanton also contributes to East Bay Housing Organizations (EBHO), a non-profit <br />membership organization dedicated to working with communities in Alameda and Contra Costa <br />counties to preserve, protect, and expand affordable housing opportunities through education and <br />advocacy. Pleasanton works with this organization to promote Affordable Housing Week (annually in <br />May) by helping coordinate affordable housing events in the Tri Valley. <br />Pleasanton is also in the process of endorsing Alameda County's EverylHome Plan, the purpose of <br />which is to end chronic homelessness and reduce housing crises fox extremely low-income people with <br />HIV\AIDS and chronic mental health problems. It includes a 10-year plan to end chronic <br />homelessness within a broader 15-year housing plan that includes families. The plan recognizes that <br />homelessness is a regional problem that requires regional solutions and coordination. <br />Transportation <br />[This section will be updated after the Planning Commission reviews and comments on the <br />Circulation Element] <br />Airport <br />The Livermore Municipal Airport, owned and operated by the City of Livermore, is the only airport in <br />the Tri Valley. It is located south of I-580 near the Airport Boulevard interchange. As of 2005, there <br />were approximately 650 aircraft based there and over 200,000 annual aircraft take offs and landingss. <br />Current plans fox the Airport include improvements to support facilities, but no additional runways or <br />extensions. Flight patterns and future airport expansions are major concerns in the southern Tri-Valley <br />area which should be subject to multi-jurisdictional cooperative planning. Pleasanton supports the <br />formation of a Tri-Valley Airport Advisory Committee to provide input into the operations and <br />expansions of the Airport fox the benefit of the entire Tri-Valley. Livermore and Pleasanton are <br />currently negotiating a system to periodically monitor airport noise. <br />Water Supply <br />Zone 7 of the Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (Zone ~ supplies <br />water as wholesaler to four Tri-Valley retail agencies: Dublin-San Ramon Services District, California <br />Water Service Company, and the cities of Pleasanton and Livermore. Some Tri-Valley residents, living <br />within unincorporated Alameda County and the City of Pleasanton, obtain water supplies from the <br />City and County of San Francisco. (See the Water Element fox additional discussion of these regional <br />water-supply, storage, and transport issues.) <br />Zone 7 stores water from both the South Bay Aqueduct and local runoff in the Del Valle Reservoir, <br />and then uses this water to replenish groundwater supplies through release into the Axxoyo del Valle <br />and Arroyo Mocho. To enhance the reliability of water supply during drought periods, Zone 7 has <br />purchased additional groundwater storage. Zone 7 plans to fund from water connection fees <br />subregionol %anning 060507, clean ~ 4-8 Ciy Council 6/5/2007 <br />