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added it will be as if Staples and the new market is in Livermore rather than Pleasanton, <br />and asked the Council to leave the extension in the plan. <br />Stacey Borsody said she grew up in Pleasanton and is an Amberwood neighborhood <br />homeowner. She would be negatively impacted by any decision to stop or impair the <br />Stoneridge Drive extension, felt the needs of the greater citizenry would go unfulfilled if the <br />extension is not included in the General Plan, felt traffic was impacting resident views on <br />approving retail development such as the second Home Depot, felt expanding State Route <br />84 and working on I-580 were only halt the solution, asked the Council to show leadership <br />to benefit all residents and asked all options be kept open for building the extension. <br />Heidi Massie said the traffic study concluded that if the Stoneridge extension were <br />eventually built, it would help balance traffic throughout the City, felt the extension must <br />remain in the General Plan, felt it is good for Pleasanton, there is no cost, no risk in doing <br />so, it keeps the city's options open, it keeps with the City's planning strategy determined <br />years ago, and is supportive by the entire business community. She quoted answers given <br />by staff to her two questions, that if the extension stays in the plan, `The retention of the <br />extension is consistent with the current General Plan and therefore does not require any <br />further analysis." If the extension is taken out of the plan, staff answered, `To remove the <br />road from the General Plan requires the City to find an environmental circulation <br />alternative that does not worsen traffic within the City. Removal creates a greater impact <br />that would be virtually impossible to mitigate environmentally." She felt the traffic study <br />provided valuable information and has given the answer they need to make the right <br />decision; that keeping the extension in the General Plan is good for Pleasanton's future. <br />She asked the Council to be the leaders, be decisive, do what is best for the entire City's <br />future, and vote to keep the extension in the General Plan. <br />Nancy Allen said she was discouraged when she read an article that building Stoneridge <br />would not necessarily improve traffic on Valley, but make it less worse. She felt if leaders <br />do not take action today, things will only definitely be worse for the entire city. She felt <br />Pleasanton is and will be more congested with or without Stoneridge, but sharing <br />Stoneridge will make it better and it is the only solution on the table. She felt more was <br />also needed in determining solutions such as transit oriented housing and telecommuting <br />standards for new jobs. She said over 8200 Stoneridge homes would benefit and asked <br />the Council to do the right thing by keeping the extension in the General Plan. <br />Judy Symcox, addressed the City Council, supported the extension, liked Ms. Allen's idea <br />for other options, suggested a Hacienda shuttle system to bring people to jobs, discussed <br />unsafe biking on Valley Avenue, noted Stoneridge has bike lanes, longer queue pockets <br />for turning lanes, two long left turn lanes, and felt both Valley and Stoneridge traffic could <br />be reasonably managed. Regarding plans for a second left turn lane from northbound <br />Santa Rita onto Stoneridge West, traffic should be allowed to use the much shorter <br />Stoneridge extension as planned. She discussed excessive pollution caused by gridlock, <br />and asked the Council to include the extension in the plan, build it, and improve State <br />Route 84. <br />Judith Geiselman said she was against extending Stoneridge Drive as she did not feel it is <br />the answer, and thinks it will create a terrible mess if built. After reading the traffic study, <br />she found insufficient evidence to build it based on the current report, believes that if staff <br />could have done a summary it would alleviate some of the polarized extremes of opinions. <br />She said Valley Avenue residents have voiced their personal experiences against building <br />City Council Minutes 11 May 1, 2007 <br />