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EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1999-05-117 <br />May 18, 1999 <br />AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO A SHARED MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR <br />SANTOS RANCH ROAD: PLEASANTON RIDGE REGIONAL PARK <br />WHEREAS, in July of 19fi5, the Pleasanton Township County Water District adopted the <br />road improvements in Assessment District No. 3, pursuant to provisions of the Municipal Act of <br />1913; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board has approved and the District has acquired several properties within <br />Assessment District No. 3 since January, 1994 with record access to the road improvements; and <br />WHEREAS, the District desires to have the roads maintained in a manner that is safe and <br />acceptable to the District; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of Pleasanton has offered to concurrently enter into a separate <br />agreement with the District regarding other uses of this funding source, for the maintenance of trails <br />with Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park ("Trail Maintenance Agreement"); and <br />WHEREAS, under CE(]A and the District's Environmental Review Manual, this agreement <br />is Categorically Exempt and, therefore, not subject to preparation and processing of environmental <br />documentation; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the East Bay <br />Regional Park District hereby authorizes the General Manager to enter into a Shared Maintenance <br />Agreement with the City of Pleasanton, on the condition of the City entering into said Trail <br />Maintenance Agreement; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the General Manager is hereby authorized and directed, <br />on behalf of the District and in its name, to execute and deliver such documents and to do such <br />acts as may be deemed necessary or appropriate to accomplish the intentions of this resolution. <br />Moved by Director ~dieskamp ,seconded by Director setter <br />and adopted this 18th day of May, 1999, by the following vote: <br />FOR: Directors Beverly Lane, Ted Radke, Carol Severin, Douglas Siden, <br />Jean Siri, John Sutter, Ayn j•7ieskamp <br />AGAINST: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />CERTZFZCATZON <br />I, Debra Fasaler, Clezk of the Board of <br />Directors of the East Bay Regional Park <br />District, do hereby certify that the above and <br />foregoing is a full, true, and cozrect copy of <br />Resolution 1999-OS-117 and adopted by the <br />Board of Directors at a regular meeting held <br />on May 18, 1999 <br />~~~~UD~~ <br />