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Pleasanton Gateway Environmental Checklist <br />historical information has been reviewed and analyzed to ensure that is no changed circumstances exist <br />related to that information. <br />In accordance with CEQA Section 15070, this initial study may identify potentially significant effects, <br />but: <br />1. Revisions in the project plans or proposals made by or agreed to by the applicant before a pro- <br />posed mitigated negative declaration and initial study are released for public review would avoid <br />the effects or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant effects would occur, and <br />2. There is no substantial evidence, in light of the whole record before the agency, that the project <br />as revised may have a significant effect on the environment. <br />Project Location <br />The proposed project consists of one parcel totaling approximately 15.91 acres in area located on the <br />southeast corner of Stanley Boulevard and Bernal Avenue (APN No. 946-4542-045-03). The attached <br />aerial photograph (Figure 1, Location Map) shows the project site, the adjoining PG&E substation prop- <br />erty, Nevada Court, and the Temple Beth Emec Synagogue property. <br />Figure 1, Location Map <br />Pleasanton Gateway Initial Study Page 3 of 37 November 8, 2006 <br />