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Chairperson Getty said she didn't believe this should be considered <br />as part of this application at all. She said the EIR hasn't even <br />been considered yet for the Prudential property. <br />Commissioner Lindsey said he is concerned about the letter received <br />from Hopyard Associates (Valley Realty). He said that if <br />Mr. Wasserteil's application is approved and parking gets worse it <br />could adversely effect parking of their other two properties. He <br />said if Hopyard Associates wants a motel and it doesn't meet <br />parking requirements there could definitely be a problem. Mr. <br />Ferreri said this is the reason for their letter. <br />Commissioner Wilson said if there was an office building next to <br />the raquetball club and then a motel on the other side it would <br />solve the problem, but if a motel and restaurant are built there <br />would be no hope. <br />Commissioner Jamieson asked about the amount of cars parking for <br />Schoebers. Mr. Wasserteil explained. <br />Lee Henderson, 2870 Foothill Road, talked about 'best effort parking <br />spaces' provided. He said it would appear there is not enough <br />parking which could be detrimental to small businesses within the <br />area. <br />James H. Wilson, Channel 3 Video, a tenant of the W. R. Grace <br />shopping center said he is against the expansion. He said his <br />business does benefit from the foot traffic generated but that the <br />current level of parking in the day is considerably more than 30 <br />cars. He said fire lanes are blocked and his customers have <br />difficulty in getting into his place of business. He urged the <br />Planning Commission require the developer to provide additional <br />parking over and above 40 additional spaces prior to approving <br />their addition. <br />Mr. Wasserteil rebutted these statements informing the Commission <br />that they have three other clubs in other areas and based on their <br />experience he thought they wouldn't have any problems in parking. <br />He said by no means does he agree with the previous speaker. He <br />said there are many families that come together in one car. He <br />said a membership of 1500 doesn't mean there will be 1500 cars. <br />He said Schoebers has made no effort in educating their membership <br />as to parking and they would be happy to make every effort to do <br />this. He said in other areas they are located opposite shopping <br />plazas and other retail businesses and they don't have a parking <br />problem. <br />Al Aragoni, 5128 Blackbird, asked for a traffic study of the area <br />and have the applicant provide parking accordingly. <br />Derek Corson, Channel 3 Video, said he doenn't think signs and <br />letters, red curbs, etc. will alleviate the parking problems. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />-8- <br />___. _....... ,_._. _._._ ___.__.~. .,_r._ <br />