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RZ-76-17, Planning Commission - application for an amendment to Sec. 2-7.21, <br />Article 9, Chapter 2, Title II of the Ordinance Code of the City of Pleasanton <br />which would allow '"churches and other religious institutions'° and "public <br />and private schools" as conditional uses in the I-G (General Industrial) <br />District. <br />Secretary Harris stated that the staff had surveyed approximately 22 cities <br />in the Bay Area to find out their position as to allowing churches, schools, <br />etc., in the heaviest industrial zone. The result was that approximately <br />50 percent of the cities allow these uses. Some cities only allow trade <br />scriools. It was staff's position that Section 2-7.21, Article 9 of the <br />zoning code be amended to make churches, convents, monasteries, parish <br />homes and other religious institutions and handicapped or sheltered work- <br />shops conditionally allowed in the I-G District, but deleting schools. <br />Commissioner Wood felt trade schools would be compatible and Commissioner <br />Doherty felt that sheltered workshops also would present no problems. He <br />was a little concerned ,regarding the type of school the applicant, who <br />requested this type of use in the I-G District, is proposing. <br />The Public Hearing was opened. <br />Present was Mr. Ron Bennett, 3149 Chardonnay, one of the principals of the <br />church being proposed. He explained that presently, his church consists of <br />60 people. He indicated his church would utilize the cafeteria off the <br />R. C. Johnson office building on Johnson Industrial Drive and then get <br />their school into operation later. He also stated that the arrangements <br />are such with the owner of the property that if an industrial use comes in <br />and wants to occupy the premises, they would have to move. Right now, they <br />are on a month-to-month arrangement. They expect about 150 enrolled in <br />their school by next September. <br />Next, a Linda Olivo, 1882 Warsaw, Livermore, (one of the spokemen for the <br />church group), spoke. She felt that there would not be pollution problems <br />affecting the children, since the school premises would be fairly far re- <br />moved from industrial activities in the area. It was planned to keep the <br />children in enclosed areas. <br />'i'he Public Hearing was then closed. Commissioners Doherty, Jamieson and <br />Wood all felt that it would be unrealistic to separate a school from a <br />church. <br />Therefore, Resolution No. 1462 was entered and adopted recommending to the <br />City Council that an ordinance amendment to conditionally allow churches, <br />schools and workshops for the handicapped in the I-G District, be enacted. <br />Roll Call Vote: <br />Resolution: Commissioner Wood <br />Seconded: Commissioner Doherty <br />Ayes: Commissioners Doherty, Jamieson, <br />Noes: Chairman Butler <br />Absent: Commissioner Shepherd <br />Abstain: None <br />-3- <br />and Wood <br />