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Planning Commission <br />October 10, 1979 <br />Page 9 <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />Commissioner Jamieson addressed conditions for the upper development. Mr. Harris <br />explained. Mr. Hirst stated that the CC&Rs are recorded and didn't feel the soils report in <br />itself needed to be recorded but that they would concede to this request. Commissioner <br />Doherty stated that the Commission wants future owners of the properties to have this <br />material for review and this is the only way in which assurances can be made that this will <br />be done. Commissioner Getty concurred with the statements made by Chairman Doherty. <br />Mr. Hirst stated he withdrew his objection to this matter. Commissioner Jamieson stated <br />he would like the driveways which would have to back onto Foothill Road (Lots 20, 25, 26 and <br />27) to have turnarounds. <br />A motion was then made by Commissioner Getty, seconded by Chairman Doherty that the mitigation <br />measures recommended in the Initial Study for those aspects of the project which could <br />have a significant effect would reduce the effects to insignificant levels and, thus, if <br />such measures are included as conditions to the project approval the negative declaration be <br />accepted for PUD-79-2. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />Ayes <br />Noes <br />Absent <br />Commissioners Getty, Jamieson, Wilson and Chairman Doherty <br />None <br />Commissioner Geppert <br />Resolution No. 1807 was then entered and adopted approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />for PUD-79-2. <br />Commissioner~~~ien made a motion recommending approval of PUD-79-2 subject to the conditions <br />shown on the staff report, deleting condition ~~26 and adding condition X652 that "turnarounds <br />would be added to Lots 20, 25, 26 and 27". This motion was seconded by Commissioner Wilson. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />Ayes Commissioners Getty, Wilson and Chairman Doherty <br />Noes Commissioner Jamieson <br />Absent Commissioner Geppert <br />Resolution No. 1808 was then entered and adopted recommending approval of PUD-79-2. <br />At this point in time, because of illness, Commissioner Wilson left this meeting. <br />PUD-79-9, Castlewood Properties <br />Application of Castlewood Properties for the rezoning of an approximately 6 acre parcel <br />located at the southwest corner of Pico Avenue from the R-1-6500 District to the PUD <br />(Planned Unit Development-Medium Density Residential) District and development plan approval <br />for a project consisting of 9-single family lots and 25 condominium units. <br />Mr. Harris presented the staff report. He explained the irregular size of the property. <br />Commissioner Jamieson asked Mr. Campbell to come forward and explain secondary and major <br />thoroughfare. He further explained an alternate secondary thoroughfare which would leave <br />a median for turning and would allow wider parking to accommodate future development of the <br />street. <br />Commissioner Jamieson then asked Mr. Campbell if he would propose this for all of Pico. <br />Mr. Campbell responded yes, but that initially there probably would not be a median. <br />Commissioner Doherty stated he preferred the alternate plan as presented by Mr. Campbell. <br />Mr. Campbell stated you could change the grading somewhat to offset some difficulties <br />concerning aesthetics and safety. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />-9- <br />