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PC 10/10/79
City of Pleasanton
PC 10/10/79
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PC 10/10/79
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Planning Commission <br />October 10, 1979 <br />Page 7 <br />Commissioner Wilson stated that at a previous Planning Commission meeting the homeowners <br />indicated they liked Plan B and Plan B is what is being considered tonight. He stated this <br />Plan has been modified to comply with requests made of the developer. Mr. Pridemore stated <br />that interpretations of comments previously made concerning Plan B were distorted. He <br />stated that what they said previously was that if Centex only presented Plan B at the <br />other meeting they would support it but that Centex presented Plan A and B and they would <br />not give support to either plan. <br />Chairman Doherty spoke to concerns of Dr. Pridemore regarding Pico and the problems with <br />the school easements and the fact that the school district isn't aware of it. Walt <br />Schaumburg, explained that the proposed project would take a portion of the school site but <br />that the property was dedicated a number of years ago for a right-of-way. <br />Charlotte Severin, 4513 Mirador spoke in opposition to this proposal. She stated one of <br />their concerns was that the HPD be met, the natural state of the land be preserved and that <br />an EIR needs to be prepared addressing traffic and cut/fill. She stated there would be <br />a massive movement of land. She stated her concerns were not concerning the quality of homes. <br />Ed Catalano, 627 E. Angela spoke in opposition to this project. He stated the grading would <br />be massive in his opinion and there would be a rape of the land if this project were approved. <br />Arnold Abbrott4537 Mirador (s/w corner of Abbie and Mirador) addressed concerns with traffic <br />flows and view obstruction. <br />Mr. Douglass spoke again addressing concerns of the previous speakers. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />Mr. Campbell explained major thoroughfare and secondary thoroughfare as it related to Pico. <br />He further stated that concerning "cut/fill" and "grading" the word "massive" is a relative matter <br />of personal opinion. He stated there are other areas within the City which have more grading, <br />etc. than this proposal. <br />Commissioner Jamieson suggested that if the proposal is approved an additional condition <br />(426) be added that no two-story homes shall be built nor rear fences built on the lots <br />which would block the view of Mirador and Angela Street residents. He also stated he wanted <br />condition 4~5 to reflect that all perimeter fencing, especially fencing along Pico Avenue, <br />shall be approved by the Design Review Board instead of the staff. <br />Commissioner Getty made a motion finding that the mitigation measures recommended in the <br />Initial Study for those aspects of the project which could have significant effects would <br />reduce the effects to insignificant levels and, thus, if such measures are included as <br />conditions to project approval, she moved that the Mitigated Negative Declaration be approved <br />for PUD-79-11. This motion was seconded by Chairman Doherty. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />Ayes Commissioners Getty, Jamieson, Wilson and Chairman Doherty <br />Noes None <br />Absent Commissioner Geppert <br />Resolution No. 1805 was then entered and adopted approving the mitigated negative declaration <br />for PUD-79-11. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Getty, seconded by Commissioner Wilson to approve PUD-79-11 <br />subject to the conditions of the staff report amending condition #5 as described above and <br />adding condition 4426 as suggested by Commissioner Jamieson. <br />-7- <br />
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