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PUD-80-5, Joseph Madden <br />Application of Joe Madden to rezone a 2 acre site located at 3851 <br />Vineyard Avenue from the RM-1500 (riultiple-Residential) District to the <br />PUD-Residential (Planned Unit Development-Residential) District and for <br />development plan approval for a 48-unit condominium complex to be <br />located behind the existing duplex on the site. A negative declaration <br />of environmental impacts was also considered. <br />Mr. Harris explained the staff report. He stated staff is suggesting <br />that the PUD, if approved, not become effective until Mr. Madden enters <br />into an agreement with the City regarding the provisions of lower and <br />moderate income housing. <br />Discussion then ensued concerning what amounts of low/moderate income <br />housing are needed to be exempt from RAP. Mr. Harris stated that RAP <br />does not specifically say what percentage of units there should be. <br />Commissioner Getty asked if the materials used in the development would <br />be durable. <br />Mr. Harris explained. <br />Mr. Schaumburg stated that condition 1 and 27 should be changed to <br />reflect 50 ft. wide parcel of land instead of 60 ft. <br />Joe Madden, 3851 Vineyard Avenue spoke addressing his proposal. He <br />stated he had received excellent participation from the Planning staff, <br />Engineering staff and the City Attorney regarding this project. He <br />stated all detailed items could be solved to the satisfaction of both <br />parties one at a time. <br />Chairperson Wilson asked how many units would be built. Mr. r4adden <br />explained the breakdown and that the total number, including those <br />already built would be 50. <br />Commissioner Getty inquired about the quantity of materials to be used. <br />Mr. r2adden stated his architect could answer those questions. <br />Chairperson Wilson stated he would like to see 25-35% available to <br />low/moderate income housing and households earning less than 110 of <br />the Bay Area median. <br />Mr. Barris explained the 120 and that perhaps it is a little high. <br />Mr. Madden stated he would like to see the numbers deleted in view of <br />present uncertain economic conditions but that number to be worked out <br />in the agreement required. <br />Chairperson Wilson then stated the Planning Commission recently turned <br />down 10 units/acre and the same night approved a 14.4 acre site and now <br />we are talking about 25 units/acre and feels the City should not be cut <br />short of the situation. He stated 35~ should be made available to low/ <br />moderate income households. <br />-9- <br />_._.__ , <br />