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Resolution No. 2050 was then entered and adopted recommending approval <br />of the mitigated negative declaration for case PUD-81-17. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jamieson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Lindsey, that case PUD-81-17 be recommended for approval subject to the <br />conditions of the staff report of 8/12/81 deleting condition #27 and <br />amending the environmental check list to show that the property is in a <br />flood prone area. <br />ROLL CALL VOTD <br />Ayes: Commissioners Doherty, Jamieson, Lindsey and <br />Chairperson Getty <br />Noes: None <br />Abstain: Commissioner Wilson <br />Resolution No. 2051 was then entered and adopted recommending approval <br />of case PUD-81-17 as motioned. <br />PUD-81-18, Vermillion Development Company <br />Application o Vermillion Development Company for development plan <br />approval for a 21 unit townhouse development proposed to be located <br />on the north side of Del Valle Parkway approximately 200 ft. east of <br />the intersection of Harvest Road and Del Valle Parkway. The property <br />is zoned PUD-Medium Density Residential District. A mitigated negative <br />declaration of environmental impacts was also considered. <br />Mr. Harris reviewed the staff report and recommendation of denial. He <br />said perhaps the Fire Department concerns can be alleviated by access <br />over the Church property. He explained that the developer is asking <br />for more units than allowed under the General Plan but that a density <br />bonus can be granted if certain findings can be made by the Commission. <br />He said in staff's opinion, they haven't demonstrated that they are <br />entitled to three additional units. He said perhaps one additional <br />unit might be added because of energy conservation measures proposed, <br />but that should be all. <br />rdr. Harris and the developer provided revised plans for the Commission <br />to review. Mr. Harris stated that the new plan is evidently acceptable <br />to the Fire Department. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />G. Michael Goldsworthy, 173 Spring Street, represented Vermillion <br />Development Company. He stated that the revised plans provide for <br />emergency vehicular access and an easement for the storm drain <br />through the Church property, further that the developer has talked <br />to surrounding property owners regarding this project and added extra <br />trees at the request of the homeowners which takes care of condition <br />#12. Mr. Goldsworthy said that findings could be made to allow a <br />density bonus because of the unique way the property was subdivided. <br />-15- <br /> <br />