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8/8/84 <br />Planning Commission <br />Page 8 <br />Mr. Harris presented the staff reports recommending approval of both of the <br />above applications. <br />Commissioner Innes asked staff to mark the open space area on the map presented <br />by the applicants. Mr. Harris did so. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />Ted C. Fairfield, 5510 Sunol Boulevard, the consulting engineer for this <br />project indicated agreement with the conditions shown in the staff reports <br />with some minor changes. They are very sensitive to the concerns expressed <br />by the neighbors and have met with homeowners associations. Some of the <br />people want to buy into the development, some of the people propose modifications <br />and some of the people do not want the development to happen.He explained <br />that the proposed building pads for the Chang Su-0 Lin development are below <br />those of the Vintage Hills lots that they will abut. Concerning water needs, <br />a study of the southeastern area has been completed and a design solution <br />is being worked on to satisfy not only this project but others. This will <br />take care of fire flow issues and circulation. The plan they are currently <br />proposing conforms to the circulation plan approved last year. The project <br />will probably not get off the ground until 1986 or later, Valley Avenue crossing <br />will have to be under construction, they can build no more than 50 units <br />until the loop is under construction. Chang Su-O-Lin has offered $400,000 <br />for the completion of the Bernal-Old Towne loop. Negotiations are underway <br />with the City to put the offer to work. This project does not have sewer <br />permits yet and growth management approvals are required. This is the first <br />step for this development. They will make the circulation connection as <br />required by the City. They prefer to have the Angela and Abbie Street connection <br />made. The proposed traffic circulation will be a catalyst to the southeast <br />portion of Pleasanton and will help the City achieve their circulation plans <br />for this area. Their plan when completed will much reduce the drainage flow <br />down Kottinger including the areas that have been flooding. They don't agree <br />that a general plan amendment is necessary but have gone along with staff <br />concerning this request. The reason for this is that the PUD process would <br />allow for the density including the open space area. The numbers they are <br />proposing do not come any where near what is allowed in the three categories. <br />Mr. Fairfield indicated that the number of units have been reduced from 224 <br />to 216 because Coddition No. 1 takes away eight units. Sometime in the future, <br />they may attempt to get the eight units back into the project. <br />Regarding the proposed conditions, Mr. Fairfield, requested that 'installation <br />of piezometers' be stricken from Condition No. 5, that it is understood that in No. 31 <br />the City will do their part and will act in good faith. Regarding Condition <br />No. 37 he understands the neighbors want Bordeau continued. He asked that <br />the last two sentences of condition Number 44 be amended to read "...water <br />fees necessary for this purpose shall be proportionately paid prior to approval <br />of each of the final subdivision maps for the subject area." Mr. Fairfield <br />then cited each of the consultants who are available in the audience to review <br />the proposal and/or to answer any questions. <br />-8- <br />