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8/8/84 <br />Planning Commisison <br />Page 17 <br />Chairman Doherty referred to Sea World and a large number of trees planted <br />there. He felt that Deer Oaks just didn't have the proper on site supervision. <br />Commissioner Lindsey would recommend that a study be made to see if it is <br />possible to have the tree replaced. CommissionerInnes stated that there <br />are at least two authorities who state the tree can be replaced. Commissioner <br />Lindsey said he did not know how anyone could say that without having seen <br />the site. <br />Commissioner Wellman was reluctant to recommend any conditions based on her <br />experience with oak trees. Mr. Dunkley stated they will be happy to follow <br />up with whatever recommendations are made. <br />Commissioner Lindsey would like for Mr. Dunkley to get whatever information <br />is available on the issue and come back to the Planning Commimssion with <br />the information. <br />Mr. Swift explained that a PUD ordinance is just like any other zoning requirement <br />and if the ordinance isn't upheld it is a misdemeanor. Commissioner Innes <br />asked if building permits could be withheld. Mr. Swift indicated that this <br />could be done. <br />Chairman Doherty and Commissioner Wilson were in favor of continuing this <br />matter until an investigation has been made. Mr.Dunkley expressed a concern <br />with the tree being a potential health and safety hazard. He did not feel <br />the tree is in good balance. The leafing is limited and the tree is not <br />hardy. <br />Commissioner Innes asked staff about the condition,:of the tree. Mr. Harris <br />stated that the staff has no expert in this field and has more or less accepted <br />the opinions contained in the two reports. <br />It was unanimously decided that this matter will be continued to 8/22/84, <br />7:OOpm, City Council Chambers for a full report from the developer with regard <br />to saving the tree and/or replacing it. <br />UP-84-31, Kentucky Fried Chicken <br />Application of Kentucky Fried Chicken and Tancor Lease for conditional use <br />permit approval to allow for a drive-through sales window and related facilities <br />at an existing restaurant located at 1803 Santa Rita Road. Zoning for the <br />property is PUD (Planend Unit Development)-Central Commercial District. <br />This matter was continued to 9/12/84. <br />-17- <br />_ - _ _ __ ____ _. .. - - .. ___ _. _ _ _ _ .. _... .._..-_.__ _ r._... _ _ _ _ _ ~_ _. . <br />