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fllameda Count}nvide //omeless and Special Needs Housing Plan <br />Recommendations <br />This plan's Sponsoring Agencies and stakeholders developed recommendations in support of five <br />major goals. F.ach goal is critical to ending homelessness and preventing housing crises for the <br />plan's populations. The five goals are: <br />7 <br />^ Prevent homelessness and other housing crises. The most effective way to end homelessness <br />is to avoid it in the first place. Prevention requires making appropriate services accessible at the <br />time they are needed, which is why this plan envisions a "no wrong door" approach to services. <br />In particular, people leaving institutions including foster care, hospitals, jails and prisons need <br />interventions that prevent their exiting into homelessness. <br />Increase housing opportunities for the plan's target populations. People who are homeless <br />need affordable and supportive housing. Increasing housing opportunities requires creative use <br />of existing resources, developing new resources, and using effective models of housing and <br />services. A detailed estimate of the housing needed and the cost of providing it appears later in <br />the plan in the chapters entitled Housing Assistance Needs of People Who Are Homeless <br />and/or Have Special Needs and Housing Goals and Cost Estimates. <br />^ Deliver flexible services to support stability and independence. Culturally competent <br />services, particularly services coordination, must accompany housing. Access to clinical <br />services will be important for a segment of the population. Direct service providers in all <br />systems throughout the county must have a degree of knowledge about and access to a range of <br />housing resources and complementary support services. <br />^ Measure success and report outcomes. Evaluating outcomes will allow systems and agencies <br />to identify successful programs and target resources toward best practices. <br />^ Develop long-term leadership and build political will. The other recommendations can only <br />be achieved by developing along-term leadership structure that can sustain systems change <br />activities. Implementation of this plan will also require building political and popular support <br />for its vision and activities and sustaining it for the next fifteen years. <br />The following pages present each goal with its associated objectives and strategies. For initial action <br />steps, please see the accompanying document, Action Plan (2006-2007). Additional steps for each <br />system appear in the following chapters in the plan's Companion Materia/s: 3. Next Steps for the <br />Homeless Continuum of Cure System; 4. Next Steps for the Behavioral Health Care System; and <br />5. Next Steps for the HI v/f1IDS System. <br />