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Alameda Countywide /lomeless and Special Needs Housing Plan <br />Our vision <br />We envision a system that partners with consumers, families <br />and advocates; provides appropriate services in a timely <br />fashion to all who need them; and ensures that individuals and <br />families are safely, supportively, and permanently housed. We <br />envision a future in which there are sufficient resources, <br />political will, and community support to effect the changes <br />necessary to make this vision a reality. <br />We're in it for the long haul <br />5 <br />"The moral test of a society is how that <br />society treats those who are in the <br />dawn of life-the children; those who <br />are in the twilight of life-the elderly; <br />and those who are in the shadow of <br />life-the sick, the needy, and the <br />handicapped." <br />I iubert Humphrey, <br />former Vice-President of the <br />United States <br />As the sponsors and stakeholders who developed this plan, we <br />recognize that as we complete this document, federal and state <br />resources for housing and services have been decreasing, local governments are experiencing <br />serious budget problems, and our local economy is still struggling to recover. However, <br />homelessness, H[V/AIDS, and mental illness will not go away on their own. We cannot afford to <br />wait until the "right" time to start working together to address these issues. Now, more than ever, <br />we need to make sure that we are making the most effective use of resources. <br />We know that the goals of ending chronic homelessness within ten years and reducing housing <br />crises for extremely low-income people living with serious and persistent mental illness and/or <br />H[V/AIDS arc ambitious. We know that these goals cannot be accomplished overnight, or even in <br />the first years of this plan. Change will come slowly, as we expand existing relationships, create <br />new relationships, identify new resources, and implement new approaches. As new strategies are <br />implemented, we will see progress towards our goals of ending homelessness in Alameda County <br />and supporting people living with I{[V/AIDS or mental illness to stay stably housed and able to <br />participate in their families and in our community to the greatest extent possible. <br />"It takes as much energy to <br />wish as it does to plan." <br />Eleanor Roosevelt <br />