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i~ <br />~(lameda Countytivide Homeless and Special Needs Housing Plan <br />Alameda County has already made a significant investment in affordable housing and services <br />related to homelessness, behavioral health (including both mental health and substance use), and <br />HtV/AIDS. There are more than 20,000 units of affordable housing, and services are provided to <br />more than 20,000 people annually in these three systems. Still, too many low-income people <br />experience homelessness and housing instability. <br />"fhis plan envisions a housing and services system that partners with consumers, families and <br />advocates; provides appropriate services in a timely fashion to all who need them; and ensures that <br />individuals and families are safely, supportively, and permanently housed. As the sponsors and <br />community stakeholders of this plan, we envision a future in which there are sufficient resources, <br />political will, and community support to effect the changes necessary to make this vision a reality. <br />Not only is this Alameda County's plan to end chronic homelessness and similar in intent to plans <br />being developed across the country but also it builds on those efforts by engaging the mental <br />health and HIV/AIDS service systems to forge a comprehensive approach to increasing supportive <br />housing. Prior to embarking on this shared planning process, each of the sponsoring agencies had in <br />the past undertaken housing plans specific to their target populations. <br />This plan represents the culmination of more than a year of collaboration between Alameda County <br />government representatives and community stakeholders. Dozens of housing and service providers, <br />consumers, and stakeholders participated in interviews, focus groups, and ad hoc working groups to <br />develop the plan. Successful implementation of this plan will require the support and participation <br />of many more individuals, organizations, sectors, and jurisdictions. "l'he plan was sponsored and <br />funded by: <br />• Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services <br />^ Alameda County Housing and Community Development Department <br />^ Alameda County Public Health Department Oftice of AIDS Administration <br />^ Alameda County Social Services Agency <br />^ Alameda Countywide Homeless Continuum of Care Council <br />^ City of Berkeley Housing Department <br />^ City of Berkeley Health and Human Services Department <br />• City of Oakland Community and Economic Development Agency <br />• City of Oakland Department of I fuman Services <br />