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MINUTES OF JOINT STUDY SESSION <br />OF <br />THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION <br />November 18, 1985 <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />Mayor Ken Mercer called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. <br />ATTENDANCE <br />Those in attendance were Councilmembers Brandes, Butler, Mohr, <br />Wood, Mayor Mercer and Commissioners Hoyt, Innes, and Michelotti. <br />Mr. Walker, City Manager, Chandler Lee, Planning Consultant, Mr. <br />MacDonald, City Attorney, and -Mr. Swift, Director of Planning and <br />Community Development were also present. <br />PURPOSE OF THE STUDY SESSION <br />Mr. Swift stated that the purpose of the Study Session was to <br />consider proposed changes to the Growth Management Program. <br />Mayor Mercer suggested that a summary of the study sessions to <br />date should be subject to public hearings following tonight's <br />meeting. <br />Mr. Lee summarized the Land Use changes proposed at the meeting <br />of October 14. He said that the result of the proposed Land Use <br />changes would increase the City's holding capacity to about <br />76,000 population and about 76,000 jobs. <br />Discussion Topic 1 <br />Councilmember Brandes inquired if the City had only a ten -year <br />benchmark and a policy to allocate 25% of future housing units to <br />multiple family, would there be a need for any other form of <br />growth management. <br />Mayor Mercer asked Mr. Swift to summarize the history of growth <br />management in Pleasanton. Mr. Swift said that the reason for the <br />existing population benchmarks was based on limited sewer <br />capacity and air quality constraints both of which have been <br />alleviated as of today. <br />Councilmember Mohr asked whether the City could use the <br />population benchmarks to determine sewer capacity needs. <br />Councilmember Butler noted the difficulty of translating a <br />population benchmark into housing units and suggested that <br />housing units be the basis for future growth rate limits. He <br />noted it would make sense to have the exemptions above and beyond <br />the growth rate. <br />- 1 - <br />