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B. Between Foothill Road and I -680 <br />Parcel 3 - Mozart <br />Mr. Lee pointed out that the Mozart property is currently <br />designated as High Density Residential. Might this be a good <br />place for Very High Density Residential? Councilmember Mohr <br />asked that if we were to allow apartments to be built here, what <br />would our density reach? Mr. Lee stated it could be as high as <br />40/50 units per acre depending on parking, amenities, etc. <br />Mayor Mercer mentioned a five -story apartment complex. <br />Councilmember Butler stated that if there is any place in the <br />City for one, it would be here. <br />Mr. Lee stated that we are looking at a General Plan for 20 -30 <br />years in the future. The City may wish to encourage a certain <br />number of units for low and moderate income households. <br />Commissioner Lindsay said he would support very high density <br />development. Forty units per acre would be reasonable. <br />Councilmember Mohr stated that more units per acre might mean <br />more reasonable costs to the tenant. <br />Commissioner Michelotti asked about traffic concerns if we <br />decided to build offices rather than apartments. Mr. Lee <br />answered that he will perform traffic and other studies following <br />preliminary designation of the parcels discussed this evening. <br />There was a consensus that Parcel 3 should be redesignated to <br />Very High Density Residential. <br />Parcel 4 - T.M.I. <br />Mr. Brandes would like to put this in reserve for now. He does <br />not feel high density is appropriate. <br />Councilmember Mohr felt that reserve seems appropriate for Parcel <br />4. Commissioner Wilson asked about earthquake faults. Mr. Lee <br />said that to his knowledge, there are none on this site. <br />Councilmember Mohr suggested this parcel might be used as a <br />cemetery. Mayor Mercer would not like a cemetery at the entrance <br />of the freeway. Commissioner Michelotti suggested something like <br />first class townhouses. Mr. Brandes and Mr. Mercer felt it would <br />be best designated as Medium Density Residential. <br />There was a consensus that Parcel 4 be redesignated to Medium <br />Density Residential. <br />Parcel 5 - SFWD <br />There was a consensus that Parcel 5 should be redesignated to <br />Park & Recreation for possible use a a golf course. <br />Parcel 6 - Johnson <br />There was a consensus that 36 acres of Parcel 6 should be <br />redesignated to Medium Density Residential. <br />- 3 - <br />r <br />