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Minutes <br />Planning Commission. <br />August 28, 1985 <br />No action required <br />Foothill Knolls - left turn lane <br />Mr. Okamura stated that Wes Jost will work on this item next week <br />and he will be able to report back to the Commission soon. <br />Information Report - Modification to Wall and Fence Plan of <br />PUD 84-13 (Smoketree Commons) <br />Mr. Swift reviewed the staff report. The project has changed <br />hands and they now want to increase the height of the fence <br />around the cabana club to 8 feet. Staff has no problem with this <br />request. They also want to build a 6 foot wrought iron fence on <br />site along Vineyard Avenue. Staff suggests that 30 inches would <br />be more appropriately located back to the planter area. <br />Commissioner Innes didn't want a 6 foot high solid wall between <br />the park and the condominiums. He thought that a 4' - 5' high <br />wrought iron fence was approved for the area. Mr. Swift <br />explained that it was changed several times between the Planning <br />Commission, Park and Recreation Commission and City Council <br />hearings. <br />Commissioner Hoyt was surprised by the staff report. <br />Commissioner Michelotti asked if the Park and Recreation <br />Commission has addressed the proposal before the Commission <br />tonight. Mr. Swift stated that staff has and they are in favor <br />of the modification. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />Mike Gallagher, McBail, 3240 Stone Valley Road <br />they are the developers. They concur with the <br />except for the wording of Item 1B. They would <br />fencing to be located behind the property line <br />somebody question whether it is exactly in the <br />indicated that staff has no problem with this. <br />stated they want a fence higher than 30 inches <br />security and prevent nuisances. <br />Alamo, stated <br />staff report <br />like wrought iron <br />rather than have <br />middle. Mr. Swift <br />Mr. Gallagher <br />to provide <br />Mr. Gallagher stressed that it is absolutely necessary to have <br />the fence as required to separate the park use from the <br />condominiums. Commissioner Innes commented that an open fence <br />will not provide the separation Mr. Gallagher is after. Mr. <br />Gallagher stated that there are two very incompatible uses next <br />to one another. <br />Commissioner Michelotti stated that the Sports Park on Hopyard <br />Road is next to residential and there is no barrier. <br />Commissioner Lindsey said there is a street which serves as a <br />buffer zone. <br />James Griffin, 3036 Chardonnay, representing Vintage Hills <br />Homeowners Association, has no objection to an eight foot high <br />wall around the cabana area. They object to a 6 foot high fence <br />- 12 - <br />