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Review of Plans for the Hopyard Road/.Valley Avenue Tennis Courts <br />Dolores Bengtson, Director of Parks and Community Services, <br />presented the Park proposal with color renderings, site plans and <br />elevations of the proposed park. She indicated that there have <br />been meetings with the surrounding neighbors and the proposed <br />plans as shown this evening have evolved. Phase 1 will be built <br />next year. Staff prefers Alternative No. 1 because five tennis <br />courts are included and they would be low maintenance. <br />Commissioner Innes asked for an estimated cast of completing the <br />areas of the park facing on Valley and Hopyard so that the <br />frontages would be completed. Ms. Bengtson said it would cost <br />approximately $75,000. Commissioner Innes said he would like to <br />see this amount added to the first phase of development. <br />Commissioner Wellman asked about the tot lot. Ms. Bengtson <br />explained that the one shown on the plan is temporary and would <br />be moved the the park is completed. <br />Commissioner Lindsey asked if it would help if the Planning <br />Commission would make a recommendation concerning the two corners <br />of the park (one facing Valley Avenue and one facing Hopyard <br />Road). Ms. Bengtson felt that a Commission recommendation would <br />be helpful. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Innes, seconded by Commissioner <br />Lindsey that the Planning Commission recommend that the <br />volleyball court and the Valley Avenue and Hopyard Road exposures <br />be completed during the first phase. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />AYES: Commissioners Hoyt, Innes Lindsey, Wellman and <br />Chairman Wilson <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />Resolution No. 2662 was entered and adopted making a <br />recommendation for the Hopyard Road/Valley AVenue Tennis Courts <br />as motioned. <br />Initiate a General Plan Amendment for the North Side of <br />Stanley Boulevard <br />Mr. Harris presented the staff report recommending a general plan <br />amendment for the north side of Stanley Boulevard. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Innes, seconded by Commissioner <br />Lindsey that a general plan amendment application be initiated <br />for the properties located on the north side of Stanley Boulevard <br />between the Payne and Hirst/Spiliotopoulos/Mello property to go <br />from "Medium Density Residential" to "High Density Residential". <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />- 10 - <br />__.__ _ _._._V,..__a _ <br />