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szti t-j-l:t be created. Ne favored tie connecting of ti cei r Sri vate <br />park-: witi ti-~e neigibs_srhood parr-: and Adobe i='ar~~--.. Ne e;;~sressed <br />l--cis persorsal concern about roadway conrcectio~s whicj's he <br />~;srssa;=eere~ appropr-i ate i + the se=pool v-ser:t i s-s, butt felt i t ;~aas <br />r9cst ~tecessar}° i T the school di ~ not rrtateri al i ~e. He a e~::ed i # <br />the s,ri 1 dl i f e corridor wool ~ be cosripresmi sod i f t!-~e r-oadw~a ;- was <br />corsnef~ted, fir. Folf irsdicated fiat the wildlife corridor would <br />be i r rcl r`s:~ed n:~ matt er- hL~-~ t!-ce r-oadfaa~yr ~,~as conf i gur eci and r~~o~I d <br />e;~tens~ Trom the arroyo to tie ridge. <br />t~i~.e Gert~-;•, 1s~~5 Tyne ~r`al ley ?~i :rd. , mentioned that the State <br />reclui res dedi cati on of a school at the time of map--mak::i rig. Ne <br />felt that the issue cos_el d be cie-~errec~ to the map stage. <br />? arr-y ~iessa , - 4~~ Foothi 1 ? ~:oad ~ said he r~oncurr ed w,i th staT := <br />regar-di rcg tie realignment of Foothill F:oad as that i s ti ~e cs-ri <br />cva~r tc~ pr-eser- :~e the Nevi tage trees. <br />1={~:ip1's comer o, :_'~31r, Foott~cill Road, favorer:: the realignment oT <br />Foot?-ci 1 l ~:oad as recom:rien~ed b~ sta-~f . Ne felt tcwrsho~sses might <br />be sore appropriate to complement the density of the project. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />CosTisTii ssi oner l'''li chef otti discussed the level of service at: the <br />~sernal interchange with !'7r . Lee. <br />Co:~mi ssi oner Noyt asF=:ed E'fr . Lee to corns~ent about townhou~e~ <br />:fersus cluster- t-tousi ng. Ntr-. Lee said that staff ` J feeling i s <br />that because of the si ~ e cf tie l vts fiat to~~nt-couses would tie <br />snore approp9r i ate i ra t3'sat a s©undwal i along isi th a f rontaga road <br />a~oul d al l etri ate the noise better than cluster 3-somes. Ne <br />stressed ti--Eat the decision regarding that issue does not have to <br />be decided tonight. <br />.fhe Commissioners discussed whether i t would be hel pf L;l to -.he <br />developer to give some direction as to whether or- not <br />to~yrihouses would be prefer-red. It was notes: -that if toe-~nhouses <br />were not approved, cluster f"solTces would tae n:ept in the plarc. <br />Commissioner Noyt `s cor;sments ~aer-e: Ne faE.ores~ t-he par6i locates <br />as shown on tie plan wt-si c; ~ tied i n tie orie ~~t Foothi 1 l =:.nol i s; <br />1`se 3 i ~::ed both plans regardi ng Foothill load and Adot:e Rar- 4:: Tor- <br />ifaraoi,s reasor:s, but did e„pros cc3r;cer'n treat a =trayg#-it road <br />wos_al d increase traffic; i e favored a configuration psi th ;=oots-si 1 i. <br />~:oad going west -~ Adobe F'ar€:; ie fati~cr-r=d a school ira tt-se area; <br />and favored townhouses but ~.oul d consider so:riethi ng else. - <br />Commissioner 1"#ahern ` s comments wer-e: Wit-:e l i d-:e tl-se crt: oral l <br />densi t;~; she Tel t there should be an access road t.o Foot.h i 1 <br />F:oad with a culvert far c~i 1 dl i fe; she l i ~:ed the park-: ? rcati on as <br />i t i s; she T avored i nc l :.esi ors of ~. school site; she favorer.; <br />Foe~thii l F:oad alZ~rssTs2rst .~rith no curyras~ sie e.. pr-erred cancer n <br />about saTety access Tor children to i=dote ~`~:rk:; s:-se wo~:ld 1iE::e <br />to ~~:'e t:,~o p{ans. sF-row~rig t;~aant-souses anc~ cluster hosier. <br />:'age <br />