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would affect traffic. k1r_ Swift thought that was difficult to <br />access, tut did feel it should help somewhat. <br />Comma ssi over Tar ver- e:,: pressed concern shout the l eve3 of traf -~ i c <br />and felt staff should full'r investigate that issue. <br />Comma ssa over r~iaherr: as~~ed 1"'Ir . Swift to address the restaurant <br />issue. He responded that the overall site plan inci~des a site <br />pad for the restaurant but no building elevations were dome for <br />the restaurant with no indication of what iii nd i t might be. T!-:e <br />candi ti ons of apps oval for that restaurant come tac€:: bef ore the <br />z)esa gas nevi ew Fiilat`-d or the F'l arias a ng Gommi ssi on . <br />Car-l Co , ~.:~ ;-=} Saddl et~ack. ~r-a ve, L7anvi l I e, represented the <br />applicatir~n. !-ie stated that many changes had teen made to the <br />proposed project since he had last appeared before ti'ie <br />Commission. He rioted that the two major concerns of the sale of <br />weer and tt-~e ~4 hour service had teen eliminated. i-de felt that <br />would change t?~~e traffic i rr~pact substanti al Z y. i-le also noted <br />that t€~e food mart had beers removed from the pla:-t, and has <br />simply- been changed to a small snag=_ shop. Ne stated that he <br />f vas met a~i th the Homeowners r~ssoci ati ore i n that area and -f ei t <br />there were compromises made. !-ie demonstrated a rendering of the <br />plan witt-: the changes that were implemented. He addressed the <br />issue=_- regarding the raecessit}~ of a gas station in that areaq <br />whether the location was right; the noise level for the <br />neighborhood; the possibiiitt~ of truce traffic; wt-Yether a gas <br />station is appropriate for- the entrance to the City; and whether <br />there tloul d be an odor from t~-:e gasoline. i-ie stated he concurrs <br />with staff conditions and asF;ed far appro•ral of the project. <br />Ct-~airmar~ Lindsey as€-:ed t~lr. Co;, to describe tt-~e snacE~ shop. i'''ir. <br />Cox said it would sell primarily impulse items, such as cand~;, <br />co~r._e~, etc. , riot items like tread and mi ~. ~. <br />Co:'n:-ni ssa over verger da sct_rssed N.rx th 4'°ir . Cor- the traf f i c <br />configuration on nimlico and Santa Rita Road. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />i=tic&~ I~citbs, :616 ~'or tsmouth Court , stated that he lives i n the <br />area of the proposed service station. He felt the gas station <br />was inappropriate for t!-tat location, citing safetf issues and <br />increased traffic from the freeway. He felt ~tt-ie !-iacaenda <br />Esusiness Park was a Letter location. He had no problems <br />regarding i t possibly becoming a tr-uck stop or the fumes. t-(e <br />questioned the attr-acti s•eness of having a service stati C:ri as an <br />entrance to the City. <br />Tom E~ear-, '611 Camelot Court, e.:pressed concern regarding <br />increased traffic. He stated that he had been to a rr~eeting at <br />a~hich time a representative from Cal-Trans had indicated that <br />during rush hours the area in question was a gridlock. <br />Corr~mi ssa oner Tarver asked ~r . sear i f tfi=e CaI -Trans <br />F'age 8 <br />