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BACKGROUND <br />The mission of CSCDA is to provide local governments and private entities access to <br />low-cost, tax-exempt financing for projects that provide a tangible public benefit, <br />contribute to social and economic growth and improve the overall quality of life in local <br />communities throughout California. Currently 469 California public agencies are <br />members, including 58 counties, 331 cities, 63 special districts and 17 <br />redevelopment/water agencies. Any California city, county or special district is eligible <br />to become a member of CSCDA by governing board adoption of a resolution and joint <br />powers agreement. The City of Pleasanton has been a member since the mid 1990's. <br />CSCDA has issued more than $25 billion in tax-exempt bonds since its inception. <br />CSCDA issues Qualified 501(c)(3) Bonds to finance/refinance the acquisition, <br />construction, installation, expansion or rehabilitation of land, buildings, and equipment to <br />be owned by a nonprofit organization as described under Section 501(c)(3) of the <br />Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (including religious, charitable, scientific, testing for <br />public safety, literary or educational purposes). The interest on the Bonds is exempt <br />from federal income taxes; therefore, a nonprofit organization can finance capital <br />projects at a lower interest rate than conventional financing. The Bonds are limited <br />obligations of CSCDA, serving as conduit issuer, payable solely from revenues or other <br />funds provided by the nonprofit organization. Since its inception, CSCDA has issued <br />more than $10 billion in Qualified 501(c)(3) bonds for more than 250 nonprofit <br />organizations throughout California including: <br />• Hospital and mental health facilities <br />Private colleges, universities, and K-12 schools <br />• Student dormitories <br />• Multifamily housing facilities <br />• Assisted living facilities <br />• Substance abuse centers <br />DISCUSSION <br />ValleyCare Health Systems (ValleyCare) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation with <br />facilities in Pleasanton and Livermore (Attachment 2 provides a ValleyCare Health <br />System Community Benefit Report). Pleasanton facilities include ValleyCare Medical <br />Center located at 5555 W. Las Positas Blvd. and ValleyCare Medical Plaza located at <br />5725 W. Las Positas Blvd. ValleyCare has submitted an application to CSCDA <br />(Attachment 3) to issue up to $85 million in revenue bonds. The application indicates <br />that approximately $60 million in tax-exempt revenue bond proceeds will be used to <br />refinance four (4) existing bond issues. In addition, approximately $23 million in taxable <br />bond proceeds will be used to (1) terminate the Health System's Defined Benefit <br />Pension Plan ($13 million) and (2) provide three years of working capital ($10 million). <br />The Defined Benefit Pension Plan is being replaced with a Defined Contribution Plan <br />(ValleyCare will contribute the employee share under the new program). The $13 <br />million in taxable bond proceeds will be combined with existing monies in the prior plan <br />and an annuity will be purchased to maintain vested rights under the old plan. <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />