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The proposed Code amendment will have no effect on the condition of approval for the <br />facility in that the conditions are based upon the environmental and traffic effects of the <br />facility. <br />Existing Facilities <br />The Planning Commission also inquired about the effects of the Code amendment <br />related to how the Code amendment would impact those facilities that currently hold <br />conditional use permits. The proposed Code amendment will supersede those <br />approvals for facilities that meet the size and conditions as defined by the new language <br />per Attachment 1. <br />ANALYSIS <br />Staff believes that the proposed Code amendment will have little-to-no impact on the <br />operation of school, tutoring, and recreation facilities. Staff re-evaluated some of the <br />previously proposed language and found that it was counter-productive to a more <br />efficient development process. Therefore the following sections have been removed <br />from the text of the previously reviewed proposed Code amendment: <br />1. if operation of the use resulfs in negative impacts pertaining to parking, noise, <br />traffic, or other factors, the Planning Director may refer the issue to the Planning <br />Commission which may modify or add conditions to mitigate such impacts or <br />revoke the zoning certificate for said use. <br />2. The property owner shall record with the County recorder a statement <br />acknowledging that the use is being established in a District where <br />manufacturing and assembly businesses, automobile service stations, and other <br />businesses operate lawfully and may generate fumes, noise, odor, vibrations, <br />and other impacts and that he/she will not seek to impede their lawful operation. <br />In addition, the property owner will require any tenants to sign such a statement. <br />Item 1 above provides language that would revoke the approval and conceivably create <br />a conditional use process if "negative impacts" were to be found. This language would <br />be a significant impact to a small business and essentially would allow the City to <br />suspend business activities. These small businesses that currently require a conditional <br />use have not been found to create impacts. There have not been complaints of these <br />uses that have been significant as related to the findings that are required to be made <br />for conditional use permits that include: <br />1. That the proposed location of the [conditional] use is in accordance with the <br />objectives of this [PMC] chapter and the purposes of the district in which the site <br />is located; <br />2. That the proposed location of the conditional use and the conditions under which <br />it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, <br />safety or welfare, or materially injurious to the properties or improvements in the <br />vicinity; and <br />PRZ-37, Code Amendment Planning Commission <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />