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I-lousing Proposal for projects approved prior to the effective Gate of this ordinance <br />and/or for projects that have undergone considerable public review during which <br />affordable housing issues were addressed. <br />The Affordable Housing Proposal shall be reviewed by the City's E lousing Commission <br />at a properly noticed meeting open to the public. The Housing Commission shall make <br />recommendations to the City Council either accepting, rejecting or modifying the <br />developer's proposal and the utilization ofan_y incentives as outlined in this Chapter. <br />The Housing Commission may also make recommendations to the Planning Commission <br />regarding the project as necessary to assure conformance with this Chapter. <br />Acceptance of the applicant's Affordable Housing Proposal is subject to approval by the <br />City Council, which may direct the City Manager to execute an Affordable Housing <br />Agreement in a form approved by the City Attorney. The City Manager or his/her <br />designee shall be responsible for monitoring the sale, occupancy and resale of <br />lnclusionarv Units. <br />Section 17.d-1.100. Conflict of Interest. <br />The following individuals are ineligible to purchase or rent an Inclusionary Unit: (a) City <br />employees and officials (and their immediate family members) who have policy making <br />authority or influence regarding City housing programs; (b) the Project Applicant and its <br />officers and employees (and their immediate family members); and (c) the Project Ocaner <br />and its officers and employees (and their immediate family members). <br />Section 17.d~.110. Enforcement. <br />The City Manager is designated as the enforcing authority. "The City Manager may <br />suspend or revoke any building permit or approval upon finding a violation of any <br />provision of this chapter. "fhe provisions of this chapter shall apply to all agents, <br />successors and assigns of an Applicant. No building permit or final inspection shall he <br />issued, nor any development approval be granted which does not meet the requirements <br />of this chapter. In the event that it is determined that rents in excess of those allowed by <br />operation of this Chapter have been charged to a tenant residing in an lnclusionarv Unit, <br />the City may take appropriate legal action to recover, and the Project Owner shall be <br />obligated to pay to the tenant or to the Cit_v in the event the tenant cannot be located, any <br />excess rents charged. <br />Section 17.44.120. Appeals. <br />Any person aggrieved by any action or determination of the City Manager under this <br />ordinance, may appeal such action or determination to the City Council in the manner <br />provided in Chapter 18.144 of the Pleasanton Municipal Code." <br />Page 1 1 <br />INCLI ISIONr\Nl' /1 )NW(i (BIZ UINiW Cl~ LL uppr dudsPP <br />S/I S/Or, 3 ,n PM <br />