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Pimlico Drive Turnout and Pipeline Project Environnrentrrl C/:ecklist <br />f) For a project within the vicinity of a private ~ ~ ~ ~X <br />airstrip, would the project expose people residing <br />or working in the project area to excessive noise <br />levels? <br />lliscussion <br />a, b, d) Less than Significant. Construction of the project facilities would involve use of <br />construction equipment, such as, a backhoe, excavator, loader, dump truck, small flatbed <br />mounted crane, saw cutter, flat bed trucks, hand compaction equipment, dump truck, <br />bulldozer, small compressors and generation of construction traffic, resulting in a <br />temporary short terns increase of noise due to construction activities. These types of <br />equipment normally do not produce strong impacts to the ground that would result in <br />noticeable ground vibration. The increase in ground vibration will be relatively minor <br />and of short duration. <br />Project construction has the potential to expose people adjacent to construction work area <br />to objectionable sound if loud construction occurs during sensitive hours in the residential <br />and commercial areas adjacent to the construction area. The following Project Measure <br />will be implemented to avoid exposing the public to increased noise levels during <br />sensitive hours of the day and ensure that increased noise levels during construction do <br />not exceed the City's noise ordinance requirements. Therefore, this would be less than <br />significant with implementation of Project Measure NOISE-I : Construction Noise. <br />c) Less than Significant. Operations of the pipeline and project facilities will not exceed <br />noise levels set forth in City of Pleasanton's Noise Regulations. The project facilities are <br />not noisy. "fhe pipeline will be underground, which will attenuate any noise created by <br />water flow. The fluoridation building will be constructed of masonry block, which will <br />attenuate any noise from the equipment housed in the building. Noise from equipment <br />housed in the Zone 7 htrnout, City of Pleasanton vault or Santa Rita control valve vault <br />will be attenuated by the enclosures and ground. Therefore, this would be less than <br />significant. <br />e, f) No Impact. "The proposed project is not located in an area addressed in the Livermore <br />Airport Master Plan (City of Livermore 2004) nor is it near a private airstrip. Therefore, <br />e and f would be no impact. <br />Crty of Pleasanton 41 Winder & Kelly <br />Draft Initial Study/Proposed Negahve Declaration August 2006 <br />04263501 <br />