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Pimlico Drive Turnoeet aced Pipeline Project Enviranventa/ Checklist <br />underground storage tank will be encountered because ongoing site remediation has <br />contained the plume within the gas station site and adjacent shopping center bowrdaries <br />as reported to the State Water Resources Control Board (Ueotracker 2006) and the Santa <br />Rita control valve vault will be about 6 feet below the ground surface above the <br />groundwater level Therefore, this would be less than significant. <br />e, f) No Impact. The project is located approximately 1.7 miles from the Livermore Airport <br />and about 1.5 miles from the Camp Parks Heliport and is not within an airport land use <br />plan and is not likely to result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the <br />area. Therefore, e and f would be no impact. <br />g) Less than Significant. The Project facilities, including the pipeline and tie-in to the <br />existing water transmission pipeline, fluoridation building, Lone 7 turnout and Santa Rita <br />control valve vault locations, are not part of any adopted emergency response plans or <br />emergency evacuation plans (City of Pleasanton 2005). Santa Rita Road is designated as <br />amain arterial for evacuation northbound to Interstate 580 in the City of Pleasanton's <br />Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (City of Pleasanton 2005) but not the <br />southbound lane. 'therefore, this would be less than significant. <br />h) No Impact. Wildlands do not exist within or adjacent to the project (City of Pleasanton <br />1996). Therefore, this would be no impact. <br />8. HYDROLOGYAND WATER QUALITY <br />Environmental Setting <br />The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) was established in the Clean <br />Water Act to regulate municipal and industrial discharges to surface waters of the U.S. Non- <br />point sources are diffuse and originate over a wide area rather than from a definable point. Two <br />types of non-point source discharges are controlled by the NPDES program: 1) discharges <br />caused by general construction activities; and 2) general quality of storm water in municipal <br />stormwater systems. <br />Standards of Si~niticance <br />For purposes of this environmental document, an impact is considered significant if the proposed <br />project would: <br />• Result in substantially degrading water quality or violate any water quality objectives set <br />by the State Water Resources Control Board due to increased sediments or other <br />contaminants generated by consumption and/or operation activities; <br />• Result in exposing people or property to the risk of injury and damage in the event of a <br />100 year flood. <br />City of Pleasanton 34 Winzler & Kelly <br />Draft Initial Study/Proposed Negative Declaration August 2006 <br />04263501 <br />