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79. Blue street "hydrant markers" shall be installed for all fire hydrants per City of <br />Pleasanton Standard Specifications. <br />80. The applicant shall ensure that fire protection facilities are installed and <br />serviceable prior to and during the time of construction. <br />PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT <br />81. The applicant shall grant an easement to the City over those parcels needed for <br />public service easements (P.S.E.) and which are approved by the City Engineer <br />or other easements which may be designated by the City Engineer. <br />82. The applicant shall dedicate to the City for street right of way purposes those <br />parcels of land intended to be public streets. <br />83. Prior to recordation of the parcel map, the applicant shall post with the City an <br />additional performance bond for all subdivision improvements that are not <br />accepted by the City of Pleasanton. <br />84. The perimeter of all building foundations shall be designed with subdrains. Said <br />drains shall be connected to the street gutter or other means acceptable to the <br />City Engineer. <br />85. Roof leaders shall not be directly connected into the storm drain system. <br />86. The applicant shall install all new and existing utilities (PG&E, Pacific Bell, Cable <br />TV, etc.) in conduit underground for each parcel unless waived by the City <br />Engineer. Electric power distribution, gas distribution, communication service, <br />cable television, and any required alarm systems shall be installed underground <br />in a joint utility trench. <br />87. The applicant shall submit a refundable cash bond for hazard and erosion control <br />prior to issuance of an engineering or building permit. The amount of this bond <br />will be determined by the City Engineer. <br />88. The haul route for all materials to and from this development shall be approved <br />by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of an encroachment permit. <br />89. The applicant shall submit a dust control plan or procedure as part of the <br />improvement plans. <br />90. The design of the water supply and sanitary sewer systems shall be subject to <br />the review and approval of the City Engineer. <br />13 <br />