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<br />Pleasanton Gateway Environmental Checklist <br /> <br />c) The proposed project is an infill site within an existing business park surrounding area by com- <br />mercial, industrial, and institutional properties, Therefore, this would be a no-impact. <br /> <br />3. AIR QUALITY <br /> <br />Environmental Setting <br /> <br />The Bay Area has remained one of the cleanest of the five major urban California air basins in recent <br />years, however, there are still several days annually when air pollution exceeds the federal and state air <br />quality standards, These standards, set at different concentrations for each of the major air pollutants <br />have been developed to protect public health. <br /> <br />The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) regulates air quality in the Bay Area Re- <br />gion through its permit authority over most stationary emission sources and through its planning and re- <br />view activities. The BAAQMD is the main permitting agency for air pollutant sources. <br /> <br />Standards of Significance <br /> <br />For purposes of this environmental document, an impact is considered significant if the proposed project <br />would: <br /> <br />· Result in pollution emission levels above those established by BAAQMD in either short term <br />(construction rclated) or long term(traffic). <br /> <br />Issues <br /> <br />Potentially <br />Significant <br />Impact <br /> <br />Less Than <br />Significant <br />With Mitigation <br />Incorporated <br /> <br />Less Than <br />Significant <br />Impact <br /> <br />No <br />Impact <br /> <br />Air Quality <br />Where available, the significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management or air <br />pollution control district may be relied upon to make thefallowing determinations. Would the project: <br /> <br />a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the appli- D D [i] D <br /> cable air quality plan? <br />b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substan- D D 0 D <br /> tially to an existing or projected air quality violation? <br />b) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of D D [K] D <br /> any criteria pollutant for which the project region is <br /> non-attainment under an applicable federal or state <br /> ambient air quality standard (including releasing emis- <br /> sions, which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone <br /> precursors)? <br /> <br />d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant con- <br />centrations? <br /> <br />D <br /> <br />D <br /> <br />[K] <br /> <br />D <br /> <br />Pleasanton Gateway Initial Study <br /> <br />Page 15 of37 <br /> <br />November 8, 2006 <br />