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<br />department. For instance, the city-wide cost related to an accounting/payroll support function <br />may be spread to other departments based on the number of employees in a department. <br /> <br />Once the indirect costs have been identified and allocated, the direct costs associated with fee <br />related services are quantified. Public Resource Management Group LLC (PRM) will interview <br />all city staff involved in the direct cost associated with each user fee and assist them in <br />allocating their time spent in various fee related activities. All identified direct and indirect <br />costs allocated to a fee related service will be combined to derive the full cost of providing any <br />particular service. <br /> <br />The final product will be a report that includes 100% of the cost associated with providing fee <br />related services. The analysis will include the full cost of providing services for all departments <br />including Planning, Engineering, Building, Library, Parks & Community Services, City Clerk, <br />Finance, Police and Fire. Staff and the consultant will present this information to the City <br />Council (tentatively in June) and include a recommendation on the level of cost recovery and <br />proposed revisions to the user fee schedule. <br /> <br />The study may include recommendations to implement new fees that are currently not being <br />charged, but perhaps should be, based on the analysis and a comparison of fee practices in <br />similar cities. <br /> <br />Consultant Selection Process <br /> <br />The city received six responses to its request for proposal to conduct the study. After staff <br />review of the six responses three firms were selected for an interview. The three firms included <br />Wohlford Consulting, Public Resource Management Group LLC (PRM) and Maximus. Staff is <br />recommending PRM for the cost allocation plan and user fee calculation study based on its <br />innovative approach to the assignment, its experience in assisting cities similar to Pleasanton, and <br />the experience of the assigned project team. PRM's rate to complete the assignment is $46,200 - <br />$49,800, which should take approximately 4 to 5 months to complete. Wohlford Consulting's <br />rate is $43,750 and Maximus' rate is $56,750 and $1,500 per year for support of the <br />accompanying software. <br /> <br />A comparison fee analysis of neighboring cities will be included in PRM's report. In addition, <br />PRM's excel-based cost analysis program will be retained by the City to enable staff to update <br />cost information for subsequent years. <br /> <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br /> <br />The cost allocation plan and user fee study contract fee is not to exceed $50,000. There is <br />sufficient funding in contingency set aside for this study. The study will provide the full cost of <br />providing fee related services to the public and staff will make recommendations to the fee <br />schedule based on the study results. To the extent that the study indicates individual fees should <br />be increased to provide full cost recovery, and new fees are adopted, the impact to the General <br />