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association CC&R's. The district shall have sole and full responsibility for the <br />inspection, repair and continual maintenance of landslides, unstable slopes, drainage <br />systems, catch basins, siltation ponds, and other geologic hazards. The establishment <br />and incorporation of this district shall be subject to the review and approval of the <br />City Attorney and City Engineer. The documents establishing and incorporating the <br />District into the homeowners' association shall be approved as to form by the City <br />Attorney. <br /> <br />13. <br /> <br />All fill banks shall be graded at a 3:1 slope, unless otherwise approved by the City <br />Engineer, except those created as a result of landslide repair in areas with no <br />buildings and where the natural, ungraded slope is steeper than 3:1. In these <br />instances, the landslide repair shall match as closely as possible the natural slope prior <br />to repair. <br /> <br />14. <br /> <br />All public infrastructure improvements and installation of utilities underground shall <br />occur as delineated on the Tentative Map, subject to the review and approvaloftheCity <br />Engineer. <br /> <br />Streets, Roadways and Access Easements <br /> <br />15. <br /> <br />The developer shall improve Foothill Road along the project's entire frontage, to the <br />satisfaction of the City Engineer. A street improvement plan shall be prepared by a <br />Civil Engineer, and subject to the approval of the City Engineer prior to City Council <br />approval of the Final Map. This improvement plan shall include, but not be limited <br />to, the following: <br /> <br />a. One 12-foot wide travel lane in each direction. <br /> <br />b. One 6-foot wide bicycle lane in each direction. <br /> <br />c. One 8-foot wide gravel shoulder/drainage swale. <br /> <br />d. Electroliers, paving and striping, as needed. <br /> <br />On Foothill Road near the intersection of "A" street, the pavement shall be <br />widened an additional 2 feet to allow vehicles to pass on the right side of a <br />vehicle turning left into the project. The roadway transitions shall comply <br />with the Caltrans' Highway Design Manual, but shall be at least 250 feet on <br />each side of the intersection, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. <br /> <br />The developer shall bear the full cost of the construction of the street improvements. <br />The developer may enter into a reimbursement agreement with the City to recover a <br />pro-rata reimbursement from any other benefitting properties. <br /> <br />B-3 <br /> <br /> <br />