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EXHIBIT-A <br />BAN FRANCIBCO SPECIFIC PLAN TAB1C FORCE CHARGE STATEMENT <br />The charge of the Task Force is to conduct open public workshops <br />and encourage public input so that all interested citizens will <br />have the opportunity for dialogue on the future of this important <br />site. The overall objectives should be to: 1) review the <br />conceptual development master plan prepared by the City of San <br />Francisco for the project; 2) identify the community's interests <br />and issues regarding the project; 3) refine and establish the <br />project goals with careful attention given to the General Plan, <br />and input provided by Task Force members and citizens; and 4) <br />develop plan options, and refine and formalize the development <br />master plan. Issues, options and plans developed during the <br />process can then be integrated into the project Specific Plan and <br />Environmental Impact Report for review through the formal public <br />hearing process by the Planning Commission and City Council. <br />At the conclusion of the process, the Task Force should prepare a <br />written report to the Planning Commission and City Council <br />summarizing its findings regarding the conceptual development <br />master plan. <br />Public workshops should be conducted by a chair person or co- <br />chairs to be appointed by the Task Force. Staff support will be <br />provided by the City of Pleasanton, with assistance from the City <br />of San Francisco staff and consultants. <br />Public input shall be encouraged to the fullest extent. Task <br />Force meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Brown <br />Act. Meeting agendas shall be published in advance. Meeting <br />notices shall be'posted on or near the project site for the <br />benefit of passing motorists. <br />The Task Force is asked to complete its final report within five <br />months following the first meeting. <br />SR 91:433 <br />Page 4 <br />