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BANK CARD SERVICES AGREEMENT Amer~rus~ <br />A>ir'ccment entered into in C7cveland. Ohio thin x day of e' B R ~{ A ~ U , 19 ~L . bctwerat <br />_ n t. <br />("Mezduta"). <br />end AMEItITRUST COMPANY~ATIONAL ASSOCIATION ("Bank'1, 900 Euclid Avenue. Cleveland, Ohio b4101. <br />Bank provides services for acceptance and paytttent of conatttaer transactions aristng from the rise of credit cards bearing the trade names MasterCard, Visa, American Express. <br />I)Iscover and debit cards (copecdve[y, the "Cards'? by Merchants' customers ("Cas+ditoidas"). <br />:rlefchant dcsiras to receive authoriztuitxi end settlr;meat services from Bank relating to the tree of the Cstj+d at MercMni s premises by Cardholdcts. <br />1'st consideration of the mutual promises and agreemestta herein contained, Bank and Merchant hrseby tnttatally agree as follows: <br />L CENERAL'f'ERMS: <br />i. Dsta Capttare Svrlca <br />1.L Bank agrttes w provide Merchant with data capmn and autherizadon servtea oollocdwly, <br />("1?leetroole Data Gptttre Scrvlea.'~ <br />1.2. The fileetronie Dau Csptute Service erttaiL tr:eording traruacdons on a tern:ind and <br />providitt; the Cardholder w°.rh a copy of the asdes dtz4 <br />a. 7be toliowin~ applies if Merchant u wiat :ettttinals st:ppIied by or tttta:;lt Beak: Battit <br />shall provide Mercbane with the desisnated autttberof tetminais for the purpose of «xeivirrg <br />1Decaonie Date Cspeurs Services atdfor Atuporisados- sarvlcet. In eonsideradon theecof. <br />Merchant agrssa to executes and be bound by Bardc's etsnda:d "Eet'mitn! Services Agrees <br />went", which shall ba ineoepoatad by radasena hernia. I< is tmdmstoad that fire tttttninal(s) <br />are trot the pasond pttrpetty of Macha.'tt and will eat lx domed for arty ptupax w be <br />fixtures. <br />b. The followinE applies if Maehutt is supplyin; its own tettttittala: It ~ vadmtood that <br />Dterehastt is sttpptyiap iu awn temtiaals to receve Fleetronic Des Captive Servirs and/or <br />Authorsaion Services prv~:ded by Battle. Merehsat apm to bear the raponsib:liry sad <br />cost of makia; iu terminafa eotnpa4'ble with Rattle's telecommurrieatiansnnd Eau p:oeess• <br />lrg sysums. Mmtehant!~.~rtttsragraea to bearthe cost of anytailun to raoaiw any urvicsdes <br />to the otaltLncdon a desvuetlon of nay o[ iv termlaala. <br />Z. Honor All Cards <br />Z.I. Merthant shall oromptiY horror ell valid cards when properly prwrnted sa paymrnt for <br />transeedtrns by Cudholders. >f'tletcbatY don rtes deal with the public at la;e, it may honor a'tly <br />sadt Cods as etc tendered by pasotn eli;ible to pttrehsse front Merchant <br />1.2. Meschurt shall oa establish mQriarusn a martimum traasaetion amounts or. sales aanactiom <br />at a eondieioa fvr hoeorin; eatdt <br />2.3. Merchant shall not itaposs nay strchargo on transactfoas by CardholtSars. <br />2.4, Ary tax :+egtrired to br eoIlsaed by the Marr~tsat ntttst ba lncludad to the tool tra.'tsaction <br />emocnt and trot coUeaed uparstdy in cash. <br />3. Yertflcatlort Servka <br />3.L Mettrhant thall chck cup cud for its validity attd et¢:cncy by :tktrrce ro is forma for all <br />arasactions. <br />3.2. Metelwr. sha[3 check t5: etvratt issues of the VisafMaoetCud CombGted Wamint BcU:tirt <br />whoa presented with a aanpa•:at that does not require authoritoaoa. <br />1J. Mmharu shell sxenefu to bast atforta ro retain sad mover the ard ttarrt Csr.Atolder by <br />rcaaonablc peaceful wears and eat eonraurtvnsb a eransscdon U (!) Merchant is ptauntod w:~ a <br />Cardbearing an accountnum'oer listed in du Vlas/MastetCud Combined Warttirrg Bulletin. a ill) <br />Merchant Iran ttxtonabk grounds w believe that Grd k cotmtertsit, fi'aadulcnt, sWisn, err to rho <br />posaesaiw of a person rtes atuhotirA to tree the entree. <br />~.i. Mar-.ltaa::jtell nee coassnasst: a traasaodoa tmless mthariutim has boa ~vrn (.with the <br />exception of mail order: and eekphaos ardas) if (i) the aigttsttas oa she Card don trot appw to <br />be rho sattm as the signattue oa the ssdas dttsR G~ if the Cud is oosi;aed, Dr(ill) for arty reason the <br />4lachant is tsnctttsin as to die idasdty of die Cas~tolda or the atuhoriry of Carttrwlder to use the <br />Gs+d. <br />1.5. Merclua: shall receive seecifu authaelsadoa trap tee Coeur if tilt Dotal smottnt of die sale <br />Canaaodon sxcceda the dollar limitsdan oat by else Hank. it Msrchsnt receives audtorization to <br />complete the trsttsactiat of such total sntooat. Merchant shall legibly types or print t'te authorlu- <br />titm n•.tmber on the idea draft in the apptopeiate location. <br />h) Csadit k 11•~t ro ]vtarchsrt in eattamstanees eottsamtia= a bteasit of my term, condition, <br />repnsenadoa. warranty ar dcev of Meecltaat persuader. <br />t) the auemlon otcredh for merehaediu sold or services perfortmad aru k violation of any <br />4ws or the rules ar regulas<ons of any governmental agsttcr, fedora!. stets. laces!. or <br />othtswise: or <br />j) the hard 6orored is invalid. expired w Gstcd oa any wcteat V"isa/`tuterCud Combined <br />Worttln= BtaUetpt. <br />7. Ezelust~e and RNUrn 1Poltcy <br />7.L Moeepant span ataiatrrt a fair policy for the exchange and rearm of mereltaodise and for the <br />diwdatudaa with services pe=-ehaasrt with Cstd. <br />T.Z. Merchant ahaA gives proper ctrdlt for ran.-u am! adjustmoao by performia7 the ;roper <br />fuagiaa as the tcrntiaal. <br />7J. J-lesdtant rattail trot tinder any eitt'ssarances nay any refttnd rA adjuaatsent to Cardholder is <br />castes. ]f a dispute rctardin6 nterehandise sttd/or services oat tesGred betweu: Merchant and <br />t:atdyoidG should ttxttlt in the Cudhdda's assenirsae:aitt: or tiefit'js aKaiaat Sank. 8 sri: »~ iv <br />diuittti0at may leak oc txsmprvtaise the same wits Cs:dholdu wit]tpCt thrice eQ Merchant anti <br />without rdlevm= Mrnehaat of :ts obiiptioo so :ad~r.Frifr Bank iR the ntaaer. <br />L 1ladoaaMlcatlon <br />E.L Jffstchant shall lttdera~ify sad hold Bask harmless from nay and aJ! alsleaa. deataads. entrees <br />of ttrxioa std dsfatsea of Ritataoevar asesrtad against Bank !n eoeeutsetiar with all e.ectrooie <br />otauuvora tttmsmittsd to Battk'stclttdltt; but :tot limited to <br />(y clams. defeasea. dispute. offaetr end cottmtxclctm relatin= to mtecitandise so:d utdlor <br />seriees rendered by Merriuat <br />R) tiaims, defenses, d3aptttss, o!fse~ and cotattaelcros relaC~ a nay mail or tctephut-. <br />order for Cis or services of env triad, <br />(c) clstans. dantand. sad eacses of nation srisx:= from say din=ed vie:atitn of or fsiJtue :o <br />eanply with Trrth-in-I-endbtg o: clear !awe. rules oe regti:atioat Of s:ty j-pvertrmenc or <br />aganey having or daimlag judedicdoa is the n+aaar. wheat nay act, otrlscon, rnisreprs• <br />setuatiaa or non~istloture on the part of Merchant V rite lads of or eoa^ibutss to the <br />alit~ed violation or fdlta~e, and <br />(dl expenses of liti;asioa Tc]tsdiaE reasonable attorney's fen artd oy dunsges and/or <br />penalties asseaxd ajaitut 8ctic is cotmtxnoa wits: the fore;viay <br />9. Promotional Mtuaeials <br />9.L Burk s.'tail provide Merchant, without eharfs, 7romotional aateriel indieatinj Menhant't <br />pardeipatloa la Card plans. Merchant agrees to displa~~ such mete:+si promirenrly at Merchant's <br />71aee(a) of bwinan. <br />9 Z Merehuu ogees to tales aL naeouary crap: to arotea and pruasvo the txpyrlgha. tntdemsrfcs <br />creel service muica pt:rtaintng :o the 71>as and ccrvicee, and Merchant will not .era such mnetal n <br />arty Etter: that Could stsult is the bas of any ruck tights. ~tacheu aQees to txcotuage sales <br />persotmel to inform sod solicx cus:omen to use the Cud. <br />t0. Atseendrtrenq <br />10.L Tiffs Agreement may be emended from titre to rime by Bartle tt7or: 30 days' wrinen notice. <br />and Matehiit's eorttlnttrd tranemieai of eleetratie trargacsion records ro Jkaak liter d:e eifeceive <br />dab of m aasradment shall be dasmed to bs Meechaar't acceptaaca o! such arnurdntaru. put. <br />s~rrdittg ftxc mill change upon cancellation by eltper parry. <br />APPENDIX "C" <br />