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6.04 Removal of Terminals. <br />Upon the termination, cancellation or expiration of this <br />Agreement CPS shall remove the Terminals and all machinery, <br />equipment and other like property from the Client's premises within <br />a reasonable time. <br />ARTICLE VII <br />INDEMNIFICATION <br />7.01 Indemnification. <br />CPS hereby agrees at all times to defend, indemnify and hold <br />harmless the Client, from and against any and all liability, loss <br />or costs arising from or in connection with claims, damages, causes <br />of action, loss, liability, cost or expense or suits for loss or <br />damage, including, without limitation, costs and attorney fees, <br />which arise as a result of or in connection with any acts or <br />omissions of CPS, its employees, agents, officers, subcontractors <br />or independent contractors, whether such claims are asserted before <br />or after the termination. This indemnification includes <br />indemnification to the Client for any damages of any kind suffered <br />due to CPS' violation of any third party's trade secrets, <br />proprietary information, trademark, copyright, or patent rights in <br />connection with the licensing of any software or hardware delivered <br />to the Client by CPS for the Client's use pursuant to this <br />Agreement. <br />7.02 Insurance. <br />Throughout the term of this Agreement, CPS shall carry and <br />maintain commercial general liability insurance and worker's <br />compensation or other employer's liability insurance. Such <br />insurance coverage shall have minimum limits of liability in not <br />less than the following: <br />(1~ Commercial general liability insurance <br />Bodily injury - $1,000,000 per occurrence <br />Property damage - $1,000,000 per occurrence <br />(2) Worker's compensation or employer's liability insurance <br />as required by law. <br />CPS shall file with the Client, certificates of <br />insurance evidencing the coverage required by this Agreement within <br />fifteen (15) days of the Commencement Date. CPS shall give the <br />Client ten days' notice prior to the cancellation of any required <br />insurance coverage, it being understood that CPS shall obtain <br />replacement insurance policies and take such actions to ensure that <br />the insurance coverage requirements of this Agreement are met. <br /> <br />13 06/06/91 <br />