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G. Additional public benefit will be derived from the <br />City's regulation of future land uses and public infrastructure <br />improvements upon the City's annexation of territory (the <br />"Territory") contiguous to the City, as further described on <br />Exhibit "D" hereto. <br />H. By this Agreement, the City is not intending to alter, <br />nor does it alter, the existing land uses of the Territory. <br />Rather, the ultimate land uses of the Territory, other than the <br />Property, will be determined as a result of further study by the <br />City. City proposes to undertake no action or substantive land <br />use regulatory change affecting the Territory without prior <br />compliance with applicable requirements of the California <br />Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"). The land uses for the- <br />Property, as set forth herein, have been the subject of an <br />Environmental Impact Report, certified by the County of Alameda. <br />The public utilities and infrastructure improvements contemplated <br />in this Agreement, in particular the water and sewage treatment <br />facilities, will be designed and will be funded hereunder at <br />capacities sufficient to serve only the Project, and not the <br />remaining portions of the Territory. <br />I. Annexation of the Territory to the City in accordance <br />with the terms of this Agreement will (1) result in rational <br />comprehensive planning and implementation of the Project, (2) <br />foster predictability, certainty, economy and efficiency in <br />future development planning and (3) secure development of <br />enhanced public facilities and improvements. <br />[Draft 8/1/91] 3 <br />