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3. That the proposed annexation will permit the logical and efficient provision of essential <br /> municipal type services to the territory by the City of Ple. asanton: <br /> <br />4. That affected local agencies have given their written assurance as to their ability to provide said <br /> municipal services: <br /> <br />5. That the subject territory is inhabited pursuant to the Cortese-Knox Act as it contains 235 <br /> registered voters as of the date of this hearing: <br /> <br />6. That. in accordance with the provisions of Revenue and Taxation Code section 99, the City of <br /> Pleasanton by Resolution dated September 15, 1998 and the County of Alameda by Resolution <br /> dated November 17, 1998 have reached agreement on an exchange of property tax revenues; <br /> <br />7. That the change of organization proposal is consistent with the adopted General Plan and <br /> Specific Plan of the City of Pleasanton; <br /> <br />8. That the City of Pleasanton has prezoned the territory in conformance with Commission policy; <br /> <br />9. That the factors as set forth in Government Code section 56841 have been reviewed and <br /> considered by the Commission: <br /> <br /> 10. That the City of P!easanton's Plan For Municipal Services contains all of the requisite <br /> information as required by Government Code section 56653 and has been considered and found <br /> adequate by this Commission and is incorporated herein by reference: <br /> <br /> 11. That the proposed annexation is consistent with the orderly, planned and efficient urban <br /> development of the area and consistent with the City of Pleasanton's Urban Growth Boundary <br /> line: <br /> <br /> 12. That while this proposal can reasonably be expected to lead to the conversion of existing open <br /> space pursuant to Government Code section 56377 it's preservation would not promote the <br /> planned. orderly, efficient development of the area: <br /> <br /> 13. That less than 100% of the property owners in the proposed territory have given their consent to <br /> this annexation: <br /> <br /> 14. That the boundaries of the proposed territory are definite, consistent and appropriate and that no <br /> islands or corridors of unincorporated territory are created; <br /> <br /> 15. That the policies, findings and mitigation measures as set forth in the adopted City of Pleasanton <br /> Happy Valley Specific Plan and General Plan are herein incorporated by reference: <br /> <br /> 16. That an Environmental Impact Report for the Happy Valley Specific Plan was prepared and <br /> certified by the City of Pleasanton. as lead agency, and the annexation of areas are within the <br /> scope of the Final EIR: and <br /> <br /> 17. That the City of Pleasanton adopted EIR was reviewed and considered by this Commission prior <br /> to action on this proposal. <br /> <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br /> <br /> <br />