<br />
<br />Being a portion of land lying in E1 Rancho Santa Rita, City of Pleasanton,
<br />County of Alameda, State of California, more particularly described as
<br />follows:
<br />
<br /> Commencing at a monument located at the centerline intersection of State
<br /> Rotate 680 and Stoneridge Drive; thence, along said centerline of
<br /> Stoneridge Drive S. 83051'46'' E., 1,129.14 feet to a monument located at
<br /> the centerline intersection of Stoneridge Drive and Johnson Drive; thence,
<br /> along said centerline of Johnson Drive S. 06'08'14" W., 148.68 feet to the
<br /> southerly line of that parcel of land described in the Grant of Easement
<br /> from the Department of the Army to the City of Pleasanton, as recorded in
<br /> Reel 5437, Image 376-387, Document Number 78-111414, records of said
<br /> County of Alameda; thence, along said southerly line S. 76042'46'' W., 75.19
<br /> feet to the southwest comer of said parcel; thence, along the westerly line
<br /> of said parcel N. 13014'39" W., 727.48 feet to the northwest comer of that
<br /> parcel described as "Slope Easement to be Acquired", as described in said
<br /> Grant of Easement and the POINT OF BEGINNING of this description;
<br /> thence, along the northe[ly line of said parcel S. 83'51'46" E., 113.65 feet to
<br /> the beginning of a curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 262.02
<br /> feet, to' which a radial line bears S. 06~08'14'' W.; thence, along said curve
<br /> through a central angle of 90'00'00", an arc distance of 411.58 feet; thence,
<br /> S. 06°08'14" W., 159.87 feet; thence, S. 83°05'25'' E., 457.86 feet; thence,
<br /> leaving, said northerly line S. 86°45'41" W., 42.96 feet; thence,
<br />N. 89°24'17" W., 97.24 feet; thence, N. 82o02'36'' W., 178.79 feet; thence,
<br />N. 83°05'25" W., 145.49 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the
<br />northeast having a radius of 27.29 feet, to which a radial line bears
<br />N. 06°54'35" E.; thence, along said curve through a central angle of
<br />89°2Y39'', an arc distance of 42.57 feet; thence, N. 06°18'14" E., 147.43 feet
<br />to the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave to the southwest having a
<br />radius of 230.00 feet, to which a radial lines bears N. 83°51'46" W.; thence,
<br />along' said curve through a central angle of 90°00'00", an arc distance of
<br />361.28 feet; thence, along a non-tangent line N. 83°15'46'' W., 102.77 feet to
<br />said westerly line of that parcel of land described in the Grant of Easement
<br />from the Department of the Army to the City of Pleasanton; thence, along
<br />said line N. 13°14'39'' W., 32.80 feet to the point of beginning.
<br />
<br />
<br />