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<br />southerly of their demineralization facility site (a site being set aside for <br />the future expansion of Sutter Gate Park). City staff has reviewed both <br />easements and is in support of the City granting these to Zone 7 in <br />exchange for Zone 7 providing some additional landscaping around the <br />future Sutter Gate Park site perimeter. <br /> <br />Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br /> <br />In March of 2000, Prudential Insurance Company of America (Prudential) sold two parcels <br />along Stoneridge Drive, near the intersection of Santa Rita Road, to the City. Parcel A is <br />approximately 1.93 acres and is located southerly of Stoneridge Drive and Parcel B is <br />approximately 0.13 acre and is located northerly of Stoneridge Drive (refer to Exhibit A, <br />attached). The City purchased Parcel A to provide the required right-of-way to construct a <br />right-turn lane from eastbound Stoneridge Drive onto Santa Rita Road. Parcel B, located <br />northerly of Stoneridge Drive, appears to be a remnant parcel that was left after the Stoneridge <br />Drive right-of-way was dedicated to the City. <br /> <br />At that time, Zone 7 Water Agency (Zone 7) also expressed an interest in the parcels because <br />the property is adjacent to Zone Ts existing groundwater well facilities and their main <br />transmission pipelines. An agreement was reached between Zone 7 and the City, whereby <br />Zone 7 would contribute funds to the City towards the purchase of the Parcel A property and <br />the City would grant easements to Zone 7 for the purpose of constructing two new wells on <br />Parcel A. To date, Zone 7 has constructed only one well on the Parcel A site. <br /> <br />Zone 7 is now proposing to construct and operate a 7.7 million gallon per day water <br />demineralization facility on an approximately one-acre site located at the northwest corner of <br />Stoneridge Drive and Santa Rita Road. The facility would treat (demineralize) the water <br />supply from four existing Zone 7 wells in the vicinity, known as its Mocho Well No.4 <br />(located on the demineralization site), Mocho 3 (south side of Stoneridge Drive), and Mocho 1 <br />and 2 (east of Santa Rita Road). The removed salts from the treatment process will be <br />transported to the DSRSD wastewater treatment facility located in the City for eventual <br />disposal through LA VWMA. The treated water will be blended with other Zone 7 <br />groundwater and treated surface water to improve the water hardness for both the City and <br />DSRSD water customers. <br /> <br />SR 06:167 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />