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<br />2. Downtown Specific Plan-Historic Preservation Policy 6, Page 68: Additions and <br />other modifications to the exteriors of buildings exceeding 50 years in age should <br />match the original building exterior in terms of architectural style and all other exte- <br />rior design elements. <br /> <br />The proposed design, colors, materials, and detailing will match those ofthe existing <br />structure. <br /> <br />3. Downtown Specific Plan-Residential Policy 14, Page 76: Preserve and protect the <br />character of the East Side neighborhood around Second Streetfrom tear-downs, <br />large-scaled and inappropriately-styled additions and lot consolidations. Preserve <br />and encourage similar architectural elements and details such as porches, picket <br />fences, andflower boxes. Preserve the neighborhood's orientation of street -facing <br />entrances and windows. <br /> <br />As stated above, staff believes the style of the addition is appropriate and that the scale is <br />consistent with other homes approved within the neighborhood. The proposed addition <br />incorporates many of the architectural elements and detailing of the original home includ- <br />ing the steep pitched roof and window treatments. <br /> <br />4. Downtown Specific Plan-Residential Policy 17, Page 76; Protect the established <br />size and spacing of buildings in residential neighborhoods by avoiding excessive lot <br />coverage and maintaining appropriate separations between buildings. <br /> <br />The lot coverage would be similar to other homes in the neighborhood and the separation <br />would be similar to the existing separation, since the new structure retains the existing <br />side yard setbacks. <br /> <br />5. Downtown Specific Plan-Residential Policy 19, Page 76: Maintain the original <br />character of homes by encouraging additions at the rear of the site, where possible. <br /> <br />The proposed addition is sited at the rear of the existing home. <br /> <br />6. Downtown Specific Plan-Residential Policy 20, Page 76: Encourage garages at the <br />rear of lots. <br /> <br />The proposed garage is sited at the rear of the lot. <br /> <br />Heritage Trees <br /> <br />Both neighbors immediately adjacent to the subject site at 4524 and 4558 Second Street <br />have expressed concern regarding the effects of the proposed project-particularly the <br />grading required for the garage and the basement-on trees located on their properties. <br />The City's Landscape Architect visited both neighboring sites and has reported that in the <br />southeast corner of Ms. Lutman's yard (4524 Second Street) are two large trees; a Black <br />Walnut (Juglans nigra) is located approximately 1 foot from the property-line fence <br />shared with the applicant, and a Purple-leafed Plum (Prunus species) is located approxi- <br />mately 5 feet from the property-line fence. The Landscape Architect stated that both <br /> <br />Item 6.b. PADR-I338/PV-I3I <br /> <br />Page 8 of I4 <br /> <br />September 27, 2006 <br />