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<br />. The architecture was unattractive; <br /> <br />. Effect of the proposed development on the neighbor's trees. <br /> <br />The City has a policy to try to help neighborhoods tind compromise when there appears <br />to be significant concern related to a proposed project. The Zoning Administrator contin- <br />ued the project to allow the applicants to work with their neighbors. As a result of the <br />Zoning Administrator hearing, the Zoning Administrator recommended the applicant <br />erect story poles to rellect the height of the addition and to have photo montages provided <br />for the next hearing. Staff'then coordinated a meeting between the applicant, his architect, <br />and the concerned neighbors. <br /> <br />On October 10,2005, staff hosted an informal workshop to discuss the applicant's pro- <br />ject. Neighbors reiterated their concerns noted above about the massing and bulk of the <br />project. The applicant subsequently met with the project planner on November 23, 2005 <br />to discuss various design options to address the neighbors' concerns. Staff proposed <br />changes to the plans including reducing the size and height of the garage, and to lower <br />the height of the home. <br /> <br />The applicant submitted revised plans to the City on December 1,2005. The revised <br />plans had a reduced the lloor area ratio of 45.6%. The applicant reduced the garage <br />height from 29 teet to 22.5 feet. The reduction in height rendered the "second story" of <br />the garage into non-habitable space, thus reducing the FAR. The floor area was further <br />reduced by shortening the length of the addition trom 37 feet down to 36 feet. The plans <br />also removed the dormer windows in the attic areas of the house and garage. <br /> <br />On January 23, 2006, staff met with the applicant to discuss the various design revisions <br />that the applicant could employ to gain both staff and neighborhood support. Staff did not <br />support the project at a FAR of 45.6% <br /> <br />On January 26, 2006 a Zoning Administrator hearing was scheduled. With the applicant's <br />consent, the hearing was postponed and the time was used as a workshop session for the <br />applicant to further discuss project plan options with the neighbors. The applicant pre- <br />sented the revised plans rellecting the changes noted above. The neighbors still expressed <br />strong opposition to the project. They felt the revisions were minimal and did not address <br />or mitigate any of their initial concerns. <br /> <br />On May 16, 2006 the applicant submitted revised plans. The revisions, reduced the ga- <br />rage height to 20.5 ft, the second story "pop-out" on the north side was eliminated. Dor- <br />mer windows were added back into the attic areas of the house and garage. The elimina- <br />tion of the second-story "pop-out" on the north elevation, eliminated the need for a side <br />yard separation variance and reduced the FAR to 45%. The City has a policy of support- <br />ing, on a case-by-case basis, increases of FAR up to 45% within the Downtown Revitali- <br />zation District. <br /> <br />The applicant also submitted photo-simulations of the proposed project and photos of <br />other large homes in the Downtown area. Atter the Zoning Administrator and project <br /> <br />Item 6.b. PADR-1338/PV-131 <br /> <br />Page 3 of 14 <br /> <br />September 27. 2006 <br />